2 x 6S3P connected in series - Using Copper tabs instead of nickel strips

I’m building my own battery packs to power my second DIY foil assist.
I plan to build 2 x 6S3P packs and connect them in series. I will be using Molicel 21700 P45B resulting in 13500mah capacity.
Nominal voltage is 3.6v per cell so 12s is 43.2v.
Will charge as a lipo to 4.2v per cell giving full voltage of 50.4v.
Max Discharge: 135a

Using a Flycolor X-Cross 160A ESC and 6384-kv130 motor.

I plan to be using p-group tabs like in the picture below, but made out of copper instead of nickel. These are 0.2mm thick. Each tab is approx 40mm x 36mm. I’ll be using 0.1 Nickel plated steel strips to sandwich weld.

I plan on using 10awg silicone wires to connect the series cell groups and also as the discharge wires (which will also connect the 2 packs together).

My question is: will my copper and wires be adequate for my set up and not heat up or God forbid, short? If not, what thickness of copper and which gauge wires should I use? Many thanks.

So are trying planning a copper-nickel sandwich? Not exactly clear to me based on your description. My initial reaction is that it is likely fine, copper might even be pricey overkill.

If you want to try and dig into this subject there is a tool for calculating power loss and temperature rise on nickel strips: https://lbre.de/hp/BPC/BPC.html (another great contribution by @ludwig_bre)

You don’t actually need to have your exact specifics for this tool to be useful. Just use come conservative assumptions and see what kind of results you get (for instance try 0.2mm steel which has much higher resistance).

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My solution was - copper soldered between welded nickel.
'Assist build from Israel - #23 by lishine