Has anyone tested a batterypack built using 26650 cells? I like the idea that one cell hold the capacity of two 18650. Im looking into Keeppower 26650 6000mah cells. The unprotected once can do 20C continous and 30A peak.
A 12s7p pack would give approx 45 minutes of runtime.
What is the advantage over a samsung 30q pack with double as much cells? They have exactly half capacity and same discharge rating…and in bulk they are much cheaper.
I think bigger cells are only slightly less complex for assembly. And spot welding double the cells is pretty quick.
Apart from the cost savings mentoined above I would assume cooling is also harder.
I simply went for the cheapest cells that fitted my power requirements, bigger cells are certainly possible. With the smaller cells fitting the pack in the board might be easier.
I decided to go for even bigger cells. I now use 42,5ah cells from a Kia Soul. 12s is approx 10kg. Very high quality. In this picture you see a 6s pack.
I will run some real life tests on the cells as soon as my board is done. If they work as expected I might build and sell a some packs. We should be able to get shipping by road in europe for a reasonable price.
The specs is: 6s 42,5ah. 5kg. Size 360x130x65mm.