Bought a lift 5' efoil, turned out to be diy. please help!

I am open to going this route. However, I’d also need to purchase the ESC which is about $1400 I believe. Also Lift said no discount :frowning:

This might be the add but I don’t remember any information about DIY or custom… I had a long talk with the seller prior asking him about what version it was, why he was selling, and my experience purchasing a JETWAKE electric surf, which only lasted a few months. He absolutely represented everything as Lift brand. He also said he paid $12,000 for the board - AND told me a title is in the mail, which I’m starting to doubt…

Thanks again for everyones help.

This is why I came to this forum, and that’s what I’m afraid of. Crappy remote, dangerous battery, and yes getting stranded out there in the middle of the ocean :slight_smile: You’d recommend that I go back to stock? Thanks,


The remote’s not crappy. Some just weren’t sealed properly initially by Maytech. Many DIY users bought them and then sealed them properly and they have since been fine. I’ve used one for over a year and its worked well.

Only go back to stock if you want to travel and drag the board around with you (but then you may as well weigh in the cost vs just renting a full board at your destination).
You can get as much out of the board with a DIY setup. The components you have will work fine if you get everything installed an waterproofed well.

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