DIY flitelab amp Jet foil board

Hey @thefoildesigner, yes you are correct, we have fitted everything in a cartridge that slides into the back of the board. The intakes line up with the intakes of the board each side of the mast. This way you can place the motor and battery under the mast/foil so the swing weight is around your lifting force of the front wing. This is pretty important if you want the best ride possible. Having the inlet behind the mast will reduce your performance of the jet and also cause cavitation.

You will also end up with a pretty long tail. Remember you have thrust now so you can use a super short board. I mainly paddle a 4’2 and don’t feel I need anything longer. You are adding weight so the smaller the board to combat that somewhat the better.

11s is ok but I would really try and get up closer to 14s. Heat is you enemy unless you want to add more weight for cooling.

The 5684 is too heavy (about 700grams) and the KV is too high. And so is that ESC. Both those together is 1kg and you still have batteries, electronics, wires, boxes etc. You will end up adding 5+kg to your board. You will also end up running you esc at 40 - 50% Duty cycle which will create excess heat in the fets. You want to aim for 70-80% duty cycle. depending on your jet design you should be down near 400kv give or take 50kv and depending on your voltage. You should only need about 3kw or under.

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