Hgltech Hi200 connectors

Hello everybody, i have bought in september HI200 VESC 75/200,now i am installing hi200 in efoil but the small white connectors for the receiver

have a wrong connection, what should i do?

I think what you are looking for is that:

But you can made it yourself if you have the 2 wires with correct pins

The Hi200 has different connectors, those from trampa won’t fit.
I would say you need JST-GH 1.25mm Pitch: Common JST Connector Types – Matt's Tech Pages
something like this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001891738685.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.de8863a8cO3yiu&algo_pvid=b2904f1a-c351-43f1-9b3e-bcf28da99015&algo_expid=b2904f1a-c351-43f1-9b3e-bcf28da99015-2&btsid=0b0a556316165946523965556e5d9a&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

Correct looks like 1.25 pins all the same , trampa have bigger 2.0 for ppm and flash

Your white connector won’t fit on the hi200, or you are missing the flat connector on the receiver side ?

yes i need gh perfect thank you so much


Hi Marco Trevisan,

Thanks for your email.

The spacing is different.

The ESC has wires with the same spacing. First plug in the wires and solder the wires you need.

Hope it can help you,sir.

they have sold me wrong connectors…FUCK.

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