HGLTECH Searover electric Body Foils - comments?

Well this device doesn’t belong on a forum about efoils… In fact you were explicitly told not to post anything more about it…

If you want people here to review efoil based products, then I’m sure many would be happy to. But if you continue to post about the sea rover, then don’t expect to be taken seriously…


Maybe try and market it as a shark lure for unwanted children. :crazy_face:
The more you try to promote this product on a foiling forum the more ridiculous your company looks. So I for one will not trust anything you sell or promote via this forum.


U-SAFE looks better because remote :wink:
What you think guys, could it possible build such device with two 6384 motors? :slight_smile:

6384 motors are not waterproof,so you can not do it.

efoil certainly has its dangers and you can add all the above to the list, but at this point in time they are built/purchased by a much, much more savvy crowd of watersports enthusiasts.


No Proplem for 6384 and enough power.
20min works and the 6384 is wateresitent :blush: