Will the battery stay cooler if i have a higher C-rate rather then lower when i pull out the same constant Amp?
Is it going to be a problem with welding them with only 0,2 or 0,3mm x 10 nickelstrip when they might use 20-30A /cell?
I am planning on using some kind of cell-level fuse 20A, 25A? on the positive side connected to a copper or alu bussbar.
I have read that parallell connections dont draw to much current as serial connections, is this correct?
Then maby nickelstrip spotwelded i parallell and thicker better conductive material for the serial.
I’m not an engineer but speaking from my own long experience.
A lighter battery pack usually means having less li-ion cells in parallel, keep in mind your desired current draw, calculated and apply while leaving yourself some headroom.
Higher C rate means your cells have lower internal resistance resulting in less voltage drop/heat losses within each cell, yes, they usually heat up less.
You can calculate nickel strips current draw capabilities all over this forum and all over the internet in general, get yourself a good quality spot welder.
Parallel battery configuration means you divide a given load across multiple cells rather than a stressing a single cell, resulting in higher current draw capability.
Theoretically speaking, for example, say you got a li-ion cell rated 10A draw max, if you join/weld 10 cells in parallel you can draw 100A.
On the spreadsheet, If you click on the battery cell data tab you can check the weight or modify them to whatever you’d like.
With a quick look, for my params I had been messing with (15S 1900Wh), the cheapest lightest weight pack from nkon was made with P42A, assuming the prices are all still accurate. Although I’d be tempted to build a monster of a pack with the 50G!
But now i corrected weight and price and it turned a little bit mor yellowish, still can’t figure out why my calculations tells the opposite, i mean the cost is simple math cells * cellprice at a given Wh.