This set up is still working fine in my first setup. In this set up (my second) you can see I had problems. I believe this was due to my BEC, not from overheating. I now use a different speed controller mounted to the same heat sink in the same way and it stays well below any thermal limits.
I’ve now had 3 of these 160A escs fail within 2 sessions (with my previous setups I’d had no issues with them).
I’ve also had 2-3 (1 was possibly caused by esc) pop.
I’m starting to think it’s just a quality issue with both parts and you just need to keep spares and except a high failure rate (or spend the money on something that lasts).
Which BEC have you been using on the ones that broke? Thanks
The micro Matek one that many of us use ((Micro BEC 6-60V to 5V/9V/12V-ADJ – Matek Systems)). It is hard to beat for size - if you’ve built a setup using this BEC and have no spare room then there aren’t any alternatives in the similar size range that I’ve found. Hopefully I’ve had my share of bad ones for a while
It might be worth trying the Matek micro BEC pro. It is only slightly larger but some people have attributed the failure to the micro BEC. I have started moving across to Castle ESC’s but I still have a couple of setups with the Flycolor esc and have switched them to using the pro version of the BEC without issue……so far.
I second the BEC pro from mateksys. Not sure if it fixed the issue, but I haven’t had any issues since switching mine from the micro.