New waterproof Alloy V+ESC Box

For all those who have problems in waterpoofing their ESC and cooling problems we can offer a custom made CNC alloy box to all DIY, that can be used as a multi-attachement between mast plate and the surfboard. This ensures perfect cooling and system simplicity. With this box you can actually motorize almost all surfboards that have standard us box mounts (90mm displacement of the 2 boxes) Its shape was optimized to fit mast all different mounts from 140 up to 165mm displacement. So you can build a complete propulsion unit with motor+ESC+Receiver and jsut care about a board with battery or stow a waterproof battery box on top of the board. We tested windsurf boards with it, as well as SUPs. It works as well with the foil mount
(which we did not believe at first, but yes it does;-)

Furthermore all major VESC will fit in directly with Mosfet cooling socket.
Trampa VESC6 will fit with complete housing and mount screws are already prepared. Flypsky VESC and Maytech VESC`s fit as well without their alloy case and the threads are prepared for them as well. However we recommend VESC6 Mk3 as perfect quality and enough power for efoils. which you can get through us as well!

Holes for the motor cables are prepared but not completely drilled through the alloy so in case you use different mast than Liquid Force or Slingshot your can drill your own holes for motor cables. we deliver Sealing material for universal mast cables too.
It has water channels as well, so in case you use motor/mast with water line, water is leaded around bottom of ESC waterproof box as well for additional cooling, but it works fine with passive cooling up to 5kW!
It can have 2 waterproof cable exits for up to 7mm cables to the battery and 1,3mm hole for receiver antenna on back of the box or on top, depending on your need.

Available in limited quantitiy for 249€ including screws &seal, and if sold out, lead time if about 2 weeks.
It comes with complete set of screws and seal. (If you want it for trampa VESC 75/300 please advise as it has different cooling socket inside;-)
if you want one, just send us an email with your data to get order confirmation:
Here are some pictures of it


Very nice. One remark though. Your box leading edge seems to be 35 to 45 mm.
That’s not very flush in case of board touchdown. A 45-50 degree angle like the Remora would have been nice I think.

Could you show some pictures ?

Yes I know what you mean, but we have tested it riding, and at 85kg rider weight we ave an increase of needed starting power of less than about 70Watt, So it is almost not worth to mention. While efoiling there is no drag on it. That is why the shape follows function…(of the inside components, strength and versatility;-)
We tested the box as well on e-surfers, (so riding without foil) The top speed from about 37km/h at maximum power got reduced to about 35km/h. So yes you can say it has drag, but it is not as much as you think;-)

do you sell your mast clamp or prop duct?

They using the FR mast clamp.

Yes that is possible too, basically you can use all mast plates and you can as well use Flipsky, maytech or reacher motor and most VESC motor controller will work and fit into the waterproof VESC box;-)
We can provide free mastclamp for slingshot and Mast too…
If you want first grade quality then you can get the lift foil engine too…
For US customers this is just 1799$ including duct&mast, which is very cheap and the heart of your efoil beside the ESC electronics;-)
write us an email to so we can send you a quotation

These hotos showing the box as sandwich between efoil mast and windsurf board should give you an idea of how it is used and how easy to swap between different boards. If you love to wing foil then just use your board, add an efoil kit with this electronic box to it and a battery in front and there you go;-)

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Where ist the Receiver mounted?

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in the box as well… signal works fine through the board. If you are using small boards that are below water surface for start, then you need to attach antenna extension;-)

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I am little bit wondering!
So, the Receiver is inside the Aluminumbox, that Box is mounted under the Board in water?

Wich Receiver is so strong that it works?

A lot of people’s have problems when there have an CFK Board without low volume and when little bit water is on the surface or when you starting and it is little bit under water, the signal is broken :thinking:

There is an antenna exit on the box. As I said if you have inflatable board, or CFK board it works fine. If there is water in between box and surface of the Board then you need the antenna extension;-)

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Okay, so I need a Version for the 75/300 :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Would it fit the Team Triforce ESC?
This is one of the smaller ESCs that support >12S
I sent you an stl of the housing some days ago, but it can also be downloaded from their site.

Yes one can modify it that it will fit, and on next generation it will already have the threads to mount it directly;-)

Good to know, when will the next gen be available?

Looks awesome and great idea! I was tempted to mill an aluminum insert with mast mount on my next board that would go up in the board, but this looks much easier and better as far as cooling.

Probably too much of a pain to support all the mast mounts, but you could mill the mast mounts right in the bottom piece. And save me from having to buy another $75 slingshot mount :smiley:

Here is another ESC that might be nice to support:

Haven’t had a lot of efoilers use it yet, but could be a good one. I plan on getting one soon.

Yes we thought of milling the mast mount directly into the bottom, but this would bring some disadvantages…
It would not be usable for different mast types (Our customers mostly use Liquid Force Mast, Slingshot and Moses, but here are other types to and it would not fit those. At the moment it even fits the Liftfoil mast
It would loose it`s modularity and Sealing is done between the mast plate and this ESC Box.

Yes this Hi200 ESC can fit as well size-wise, But we did not test it so far…

Size of Go-FOC HI200/HI100: 112 x 73 x 36mm (including heat sink) according to makerx site.
Your box has (almost) an unlimited interior length along the 165mm plate axis, but what is the interior dimension of your box between the screws along the 90mm spacing ? 90 - 2 half screw diam - wall thickness = ?
How do you ensure the water tightness:
1 - between the box edges and its cover ?
2 - between the box cover and the board ?
3 - between cables and the box cover because the Go-FOC HI200/HI100 has six pairs of battery wires to pass through the cover… ? Not impossible but needs precision.

The Trampa 75/300 fits as well but all high power VESC only without there heatsink… The box acts as heatsink itself…
It is sealed with EPDM seal and works great + you can use it as complete unit with mast on different boards or boats ot whereever you need an electric propeller unit :wink:


Just to make sure , we have to take a part the 75/300 to fit your box ? In that case I can see the plate for the fets , no worries for the caps ?
And if I may ask , easy mount even with the FR « rigid » wires