I travel alot with the drone.
2 packs in the hand language and 1 pack inside the device itself are allowed.
If you have more they are allowed to take it.
Actually thats not true. Some governing bodies allow you to travel with more than 2 spare packs. And then there’s the case where you have have multiple drone and are allowed 2 spare per drone. I have traveled with up to 10 packs before.
Yes it depends on airlines. 100Wh per battery is the limit what most airlines allow. F.e. most european airlines allow up to 10 spare batteries with not more than 100Wh in carry on bagagge without approval.
Today play for my kid bike , Sunday ( store closed sunny ) had to improvise : 4ah 18v x2 so 36v pulling 900w we me on it …
Working nice
Not sure their bms would hold +4c but yes
Now airtravel with inflatable efoil is no limit anymore