Still have problem (i opened my sealed ESC)

It was a joke. However, I previously assumed that this expensive regulator was just ZTW Seal 300A filled with compound, and judging by what I see, my assumptions are correct.

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Well, I don’t know which ESC to choose because the water-cooled ESC isn’t waterproof, and if I go for a waterproof one, it’s extremely expensive. So, it seems like I’m leaning towards the Makerbase, since either way, I’ll have to dismantle it and put it in my waterproof aluminum case. But I still have some questions. Firstly, what product should I use between the PCB and the aluminum case (where it cools)? On my old case, I see pink plates that look like silicone. Secondly, can I pour silicone all over the circuit board like It was in my previous ESC? Is it necessary or not? (Would bathroom silicone work for this step?) And thirdly, will the Makerbase work with my Maytech 3.0 remote control?

Excuse my newbie questions, but I’ve searched for videos on YouTube about waterproofing a Flipsky case and found nothing. If you have any links (particularly on products for waterproofing and conducting temperature), I’d appreciate it. I’ve bought things to conduct heat on processors, but it seems they’re not what I need. Thanks in advance.

Looked at ZTW 300A but it’s isn’t cheaper :face_with_monocle:

You can either use thermal paste or the pads that were in your old ESC, that does not really matter in this case. Pads are less messy.
I would not cover all the parts in silicone, as you can’t access them anymore, just use a box that screws watertight
For filling you should use 2k potting silicone, bathroom silicone will probably not work as well or even destroy thr PCB (1k silicone sometimes is acidic)
Yes, the remote will work

ok thanks for your answer. Then I’m going to buy it.

There is many thickness for the pad. What is the best Thickness to choose? Also, I don’t find silicon 2K on our website is it two-component silicon?

Ztw have upgraded their old esc, the new one is the ztw 300a G2 which is smaller, waterproof and has water-cooling. It’s more expensive than the makerbase but cheaper than the ztw seal v1.

You may even be able to use their 160a version (ztw) of you do not need a lot of current.

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Yes, two component silicone
The pad: The thinner the better, but needs to be thick enough to equalize all the gaps. I use 0.15mm thick but have very smooth surfaces. 1 or 2mm should also be ok

ok thank , i bought 0.5 and 1mm. i will buy 2 components silicone now…

And get some with high thermal conductivity, I use 0.5mm of these with success:
UPSIREN Graphics Card Cooling 15W/MK thermal pad Heat Dissipation Silicone Pad CPU/GPU Graphics Card Thermal Pad Motherboard

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Hi , just realize that i will buy a receiver for my Makerbase VSC. Which one should i use that can be plugged on it? I will use Maytech V3 remote.

How hard do you have to pull to get the pcb free? Is there any risk of damaging the board (disassembly technique tips appreciated)

not really hard but spent likely 8 hours with a very small screwdriver. The hardest part was because i didn’t know what was under. If i had previously the picture it would be easier. Perhaps it was easy because my VSC was old and the silicon came easily. I didn’t spray any solvant because It make like a mud and make it harder imo. I used the screwdriver along the direction of the wires to remove the sealant without damaging them.

I ground down the edges of the screwdriver to round them off and avoid damaging the wires or PCB.