Ultimate watersports Remote & Receiver

I’m in for 3 at least. Looking forward to seeing it in action.

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I’d also be in for one

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Incase I have a finished inside epoxied waterproof body laying around. Text me if you are interested.


I also have a great top with an already epoxied display so you just need to do the electronics and then screw it together.

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Count me in for 1 as well

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how you make the epoxy that end results are super smooth? looks awesome

however interested please fill up this form please so I can keep track how many boards I need to order for fab. It seems pcbway.com giving the best prices. It will be first first serve and hopefully if more people joins we can bring the price down even more:
VESC Remote Joint Order

Is use of this remote limited by any incompatibilities with other electronics in a build?

(New to e-foil builds and this thread is long)

Seafoil, just read the start. This is intended to be a universal efoil remote.

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Hours and hours of sanding.

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Added schematics and alyout pdf files here:
Take a look and let me know if you have any comments
Currently waiting for quotes from pcbway.com and nextpcb.com
2 display options, st7735 which preform the best out of transmissive display’s I tried
Second option is little expensive transreflective E20RB-FW345-N 2" display with outstanding visibility which I am planning to go with.
I added 8 megabyte flash to avoid sdcard reliability complications but kept the sdcard slot there for early firmware releases

Looks great. I definitely think the extra handful of dollars for the transflective display is worth it. No point in having the screen if you can’t easily see it in the sunlight.

What power draw are you expecting in operation?
And speaking of power… any plans for setting up a wireless charging system?

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With reflective display it is around 70 to 80mAh, with transmissive display is around 120mAh. I prefer to keep the usb connection with gold plated magnet connect to access the files. It is possible to go wireless charge and transfer files over the air but that will be slow and will require some software support. Plus proper wireless charge will add to the price. So far the connector I found seems fine and there is no sign of corrosion.

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I don’t see files for the trigger and hall effect sensor mount. Should we use the same files from the Hiorth bros?

There is a modified trigger stl file in the folder which jas a hole for magnet. Then I use the pipe from hiorth to hold the tirgger in place to rotate. The dual hal sensors will be inside the grip behind the trigger. Hals breakout board will be part of receiver board to snap off and use it. I will share the receiver design tomorrow

I added eceiver schematics and layout in pdf. You will find it in google drive folder. I can’t think of making more generic than the current design. It has CAN, UART, analog throttle, PWM throttle plus sd card and imu to collect data to see what we can come up with smart algorithms


Got a final quote from PCB way. The price doesn’t include the transreflective display which is around $20. I have to solder the display manually.
First batch will come with simplified Receivers supporting VESC over UART or PWM to keep the cost down and less complexity.
I will assemble receivers myself for first batch to keep the cost down
I think it is fair to set total cost of Receiver + Remote with display to $130
Please check the simplified Receiver ( I am currently using this receiver) in google folder


Just filled out your sign up sheet. I will take 5.
Let us know approx what the eta is.

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I did a last minute change and added onboard GPS to make it easier and cheaper. To make sure things are fine before ordering a batch I ordered some pcb to assemble them myself to test and make sure everything is fine. Will share the results later.


Pcb design looks amazing. However why do you want to add the sd card inside of the remote? It would make much more sense to have it at the reciver side, where it can be switched out without a lot of opening. Do you want to transmitte the logged data over Bluetooth to a phone?

Amazing work though :call_me_hand:


Usb is available on the remote and it mounts sdcard as storage like a drive. Purpose of sd card is mostly for development to log as much as data possible. But there is also 32MB flash, the chip above the sd card slot, I made some great progress in fw. Have been working on icm-20948 driver to be used for fall detection. Plus linux like command handler over usb to make it easy to config, calibrate the remote and potentially make gui software development possible