What is the standard for a good brushless motor

X-teamrc focuses on the production of brushless motors, CNC machining design


So what are the specs of some of the motors you offer?

55120-370KVï¼›55120-420KV ï¼› 5680-450KVï¼› 55120-490KVï¼› 55120-660KVApplied to surfboards with gear ratios of 1:3;4.5;6, etc.

What size are the top 2 in the pics above?

Can you not get bigger inrunners made in the 70-80mm diameter region?

Figure 2 is the motor of a double-drive electric skateboard. If there is a picture, I would be happy to help you realize the product

What are the sizes of the motors in figure 1 and figure 4?

Do you have motors with little bit more power reserves? I guess AWG14 and 4mm bullet connectors won’t hold up very long (they are rated for like 20A-40A cont.). Motor current might be somewhere >60A.

What is the power rating of your motors?

The quota of this motor is the maximum current of 200A, and the connectoä»–çš„r is M8MM.

My thinking ( welcome to add specifications :slight_smile: )

We need the size between tp100 inrunner and the 56200

Need to fit in a 80mm tubing

So something like 77150 inrunner with a kv 80-100, and winding capable of handling 50a continously

Look at our 55120 size, test data, and send me your mail

I doubt your 14AWG cables will hold up 200A for a long time… what is the rated current?
Maximum current is kind of useless without the duration you are able to push it. Any motor can do 200A maximum…some for 1ms (and burn after that) some for hours.