XXL tow boogie/SIB e-boat (jet drive?)

Hey all! I have a new project idea I need sanity checks on :laughing:
I live landlocked far away from the sea, but I can go to the atlantic ocean (7 hours, family there) or mediterranean (3 hours, no family) pretty often.

Close to where I stay, there are lakes (1h, 10€ toll each way), and big rivers (30 minutes, no tolls) where you can do water activities. The closest lake where I usually pump foil can not be used for towed sports.

I am interested in seeing the tow bogie developpements here. But I feel the tow boogie concept is missing some features for safety, and social element.

This video was really interesting for men the tow boogie style gave me ideas :

My idea is to make a 3.1 or 3.6 inflatable with V-shape hull into a tow bogie/electric boat hybrid. 3 use cases :

  • use it with the remote as a boogie
  • ride in the boat and tow another rider
  • use it with the family (my wife and my son) in lakes and river during summer.

I am not sure how it would to compared to a jet ski in smaller/non breaking swell.
With this kind of build, I could venture much further away than what would be reasonable with a tow boogie, to find some sandbank waves and swell, or to use as a shuttle/safety boat in downinds (battery++) Also, not going alone, for safety and enjoyment.

Exemple boat, that I found for sale in good shape for 800€ locally :

There is the china electric jet ski that look quite fun and would probably be nice to tow, but also not very social (only one rider). Using it in waves, as you would as a real jet ski, is probably impossible.

A full size or mid size electric jet ski conversion could be an option, but storage and transport is an issue with a rigid hull. Also, you can not ride it dry.

So on a inflatable boat base, here would be the plan :

Would probably use 1-2 Surron/talaria batteries as they are cheap and readily available. 60V-32ah is less than 300 eur second hand.

For motors, my ideal would be jet drives for safety, but my understanding is that the efficiency would be much lower. I say motors, because differential trust seems like the obvious option to get steering in tow mode. In boat mode, there is a reliability issue to consider. 10-15kw peak should be plenty for the use case (fast with 2.5 people on board, slower cruising with 4.5)

This kind of stuff embedded in to the floor would be cool, but not seen anyone use it yet.

Center console / jet ski style, would be nice if if can still fold in some way.

I dont have the space to store the assembled boat, so I will need to assemble/disassemble for each ride, unless I go to the ocean for longer time and then I can keep it assembled for the holiday duration.^

Assembly and disassembly times will probably be the main use case deal breaker.

Open for ideas :wink:

  • social
  • hybrid boat/tow
  • portable
  • resonable budget
  • Commercially available battery with built in waterproofness

“mood board” for this project

Let me know what you think about the idea of a XXL tow boogie^^

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Since you are in brainstorming mode I will offer this.

I have had numerous inflatable dinghy’s and they are a very durable safe craft so that’s a plus. However when they are used such as you are proposing. Transport, inflate, use, deflate, transport and store I think you might quickly tire of that hassle. Storing wet/damp can easily develop mold so storage method and location is tricky.
There are some really good 12v air pumps that take the work out of the inflate/deflate process thanks to the boom in inflatable sups etc.

Suggest you also do some reading of the two materials commonly used in construction.

This type of hull is also a bit challenging to get planing when loaded. Research Doel Fin which attaches to motor and provides lift at the stern.

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Found this style of motor, quite interesting as the base motor is similar, 120mm stator as the ones we use at LMX. I have a few old but beasty 80mm IPM ones that can handle 12-18kw peaks just fine (continuous 5-7kw depending on cooling). Unsure about the axle /adapter style.

Not sure the gearbox could handle that, and that the chassis is worth the cost to change it all anyway. Having a submerged waterproof motor, using a foil mast as the support, may be a better solution for cooling, noise and performance.

Have you considered using a trolling motor? Kinda defeats the build it yourself mode but might be useful in testing your concept if you can borrow a small inflatable.

CHecking the feasibility of Assist to trolling motor lol :man_shrugging:


Careful. Torqeedo lawyers are watching😜

Having an adjustable depth would be a plus.

I know a guy in Glenorchy, New Zealand who has recently made an inflatable electric jet with remote control throttle. He calls it the ‘Dronenut’ Very cool. It easily has enough power to use as a Tow Boogie. WattsCraft Ltd on Instagram


Some of the best aspects of a Boogie is that’s it’s small, light and relatively cheap compared to jetskis and boats.

There is nothing to gain by making it bigger. You will need more batteries, more power, will be harder to turn, will not self right,

A docking system, like seadoo did with their skis could be an option, but i think best is 2 vessels, with shareable batteries.


Use a lift blowfish or cheaper alternative.

the dronnut is pretty much what I imagined /wanted to do, maybe slightly bigger in my idea. Thanks for the link!

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I Put an ENGINE on a Giant Paddle Board

Spring will be here soon, this project is still on my head now. I have plenty of 14s and 16s battery available for it.
Not too keen on spending 1k on it, but if I can enjoy it with the family it is resonable.

Last summer, I tested the setup with 7s and one 6384 motor on the back of my old sailboat.

It was almost coming on plane, mostly limited by the deep v shape of the hull.

this is a optimist, right? this hull is flat bottom, or not?

It is like an optimist, but with a V shaped hull. The inflatables I am looking at also have a V shaped hull on the front.

Why choose a 3.3m boat? Surely you want something smaller.
Look at the mini jetboats they sell and make.
Or look at flyfishing inflatables:


For the “social” element of towing, sharing/riding the tow, storing things and huge battery for longer explorations, or using it alone.

I really enjoy pumping, the goal here is really not towing most of the time, but only for small moments and then motor around on mid/low speed and pump around the boat.

I found this when researching teaching kids to waterski, the mini Cat is perfect for that as they sit on it while getting up some speed, then stand-up and off they go. Thye have bigger sizes. Shipping is way too much for me to get one in New Zealand, but might help with the social aspect of what you’re wanting to do. Floats - Z Pro Inflatables