Have you ever seen any fully waterproof motor in this size? Dimension is:D107*L176.5 mm
Now, it is available in E-ARK Tech store on Aliexpress.
For more details, pls check this link on our store, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003104723543.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.22.40753b36vRc84m

Updated here, this motor is in mass production now, stock will probably be available after 2 months.
Is this motor new or has someone already tried it ages ago, and it had to less torque on 14s (could be possible but I am noob sooo… ).
No I never saw a motor with no way to hold it on wires sides , missing something here …
Why do you built / sell that ?
Efoil : no way to built a mast mount
Esurf: no cooling and too low kv
Outrunner in a can , inrunner ? Poles ?
We can use it only on paddle drive it , missing some sells here , can do better I think …
We will get back once have updates about your questions.
Hi Alexandre, it is inrunner and 5 paris poles.