300A 20s Anti Spark Switch Sold on E-ARK Tech Aliexpress Store

Flipsky just release their latest 300A Anti Spark Switch, wondering if you guys need something like this.


Pls check this link for more information:https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002922613860.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1fba4d8eJL5Ht4&algo_pvid=e3cc6fcf-21aa-4a1f-9f7b-8490dd3e612f&algo_exp_id=e3cc6fcf-21aa-4a1f-9f7b-8490dd3e612f-9

I bought the previous version and the version before that. Both were dead after 5 minutes. Hopefully this new one will last longer.


My PRO was when I switched it on damaged :joy:

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yes, hope you will find your suitable one. Welcome to order from us, thanks.

Is the push button a momentarily on switch or an on/off switch?

It`s a pitty it is not waterproof…

The push button is an on/off switch

You can just buy this flipsky anti spark that’s waterproof and water cooled.


Well this flipsky is not waterproof, as I can easily see on the photo… maybe inside the watercooling part, which is not very helpful to the rest of the switch :joy:

Sorry i just saw water cooling and thought it was waterproof as well, my bad!