3D-printed folding propeller

Hi guys,
stupid question from a newbe.
Can 3d printed props really withstand the loads of a 6kWmotor spinning at full throttle?
What material would be used?

Don’t think anyone is using 6kW here, but answer is Yes!
Using PLA currently, also tried PETG but the prints weren’t so nice with that.

Is there any video of foiling with a 3d printed folding propeller?

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I think @Flightjunkie just released a video some days ago on YouTube.

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@superlefax thanks for sharing:


2 layers of unidirectional carbon fibre on that prop would seem appropriate :wink:

Thank you for sharing your design.
Can you check the link you posted, because it seems like it’s no longer valid.
@Larsb did you make a version that fits the 80100 yet ?

Does anyone have the files for this? Looks like an excellent way to increase efficiency, would love to give it a try and provide feedback


Ah yes but the download links are broken, I wondered if anyone had downloaded them before and still had them to share. Its not the end of the world if I have to design my own, I just dont really know how to optimize it

You could design a folded three blade, that would be new and maybe worth a try

Hi @FoilBorne, unfortunately all my 3D printed versions failed after some days of using. Somehow it holds up a few times and than the propeller broke every time.

I now optimised the whole propeller and hub again and will release an industrial manufactured one for the DIY community. I made 3 versions for FR Motor and the two Flipsky motors. But I still need some time for testing.


A 3d printed mould which can be used for carbon/glass prop blades might be a stronger option.

Are the Foil Assist props fdm 3d printed?

Which one you mean?


“Foil Drive” Assist, the commercial but fairly prototype looking system in Australia.

I’ll give it a shot!

They failed by blade separation/shattering, presumably?

They look like they are. Does anyone have thoughts on two props rotating side by side? I saw something like that on a forum here yesterday, I could find it with some digging. But would that lower the force on each one by 50% or do the forces not increase linearly?

What do you mean? Just draw it in pencil on paper and take a picture.