6374 more oomph tips

Built a small foilassist around a 6374, flycolor esc, 6s battery and a two blade folding prop found here. In my efforts to keep things super light and small, I’m left with a setup with not quite enough oomph. My options are: 1)increasing battery from 6s but that would require a bigger box :frowning: 2) going with a 6384. Or 3) Curious if venturing to a 3 prop folding prop or maybe even a commercial prop would get me just over the bump. Feels like I’m not that far off compared to my efoil build. I know no one can give me an answer, but I’d love to hear if anyone has an opinion of the potential gains that could be had by just improving my prop situation (or going to a 6384).

What is the spec of your 6S battery? If, say 6s3p then you can make an 8s2p to fit a very similar size. 10s2p would be great if you can squeeze it in.

In my opinion, the 6374 motor is enough if you have high enough volts. 6S is at the low end of what you need. Increasing voltage will make the biggest difference.

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It’s a lipo pack in this case. Was trying to keep things simple and similar to foildrive as a point of reference. Looks like I went a bit too simple :wink: Might be able to squeeze an 8s pack in there though.

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