6384 outrunner , disassembly , epoxy and fixing

Goodmorning everyone! I am new to this group. I introduce myself my name is antonio and I live in Italy. For some months I have been carrying out the construction of an efoil and first of all I must congratulate all the members of this group for the skills they have in making these splendid boards. to date I have built the table, the mast of the hydrofoil (which I must definitely fix) and I am facing a problem. thanks to some of you in this group, I read about the possibility of using an outrunner to build a good propulsion system. so I bought one and now I should work on it to make it suitable for life underwater. What I wanted to ask you today is this:

• how to epoxy the engine without damaging it
• how to get the motor phase wires to the rear of the motor
• how to fix the motor to the shaft support since the whole part of the rear motor turns together with the main hub and therefore I cannot understand how to fix it. (post a video maybe where I show it)

sorry my english but i’m translating with google! thank you all in advance for your help!

Motor: 6384 outrunner 120kv

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You will find precious informations in any post dealing with outrunner waterproofing, should they be 80100, 6384, 63100,…

For ex., @V_S 63100 choice of bearing, epoxy, …

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Thank you’
however, I cannot understand how to fix the motor since the four holes on the back of the motor turn together with it and therefore blocking them would not be able to turn the motor. Do you understand?

the prop is mounted on the rotating bell / hood. The part with the wires gets mounted to your mast


Hello Franck, an outrunner motor induces a lot of water friction losses due to its rotating outer cage compared to an inrunner whose outer shell is static.
Just wondering about the benefits and disadvantages of a motor pod whose diameter is bigger than that of its motor one in the outrunner particular case: you create a bubble around the motor cage creating less water friction but you also prevent the propeller from being fully submerged…
What is the water test verdict ?

24V, 3A no-load current under water, it’s OK

Greetings Frank

In fact my question was: is it faster (slower ?) to have a pod whose diameter is larger than the motor one ? Or maybe, no difference detected…

No Differenz
Greetings Frank

That’s really weird. I mean, i have used both an 80100 and the 65162 motor and they work well but how is it possible that the water in the motor doesn’t bring a noticeable lot of drag… i start wondering if it means there are other larger inefficiencies that hide the difference.

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