70141 and 70131 motors for sale

I have two new motors from freerhobby 70141 and 70131 for sale.

70141- 100kv 12slots stator (D. 66mm, length 100mm) 14 poles rotor (D. 44mm). Shaft 10mm.
330eu + shipping from Lithuania

70131- 120kv 12slots stator (D. 66mm, lenght 90mm) 10 Poles rotor D. 44mm. Shaft 10mm
300eu+ shipping

Hey …that’s the original price x2 !!!
Good luck

Motor 70131 120kv sold.

You re not a surfer but a seller…not the same thing…i am happy for you with your new business…

Yes David973, I am not a surfer, I am efoiler, and it is not the my business. First, you could ask me who I am and what I do, and don’tt write that I am a profiteer. I sell motors for the cost price at which I bought. These motors are good and shit I wouldn’tt sell on the forum. On 70141 I used the whole last season. This is a good powerful motor. Selling because I made my own motors that are even more powerful than these and I don’t need them.


How many magnets poles have you?
10 or 14?
Thanks Frank

Stator 12slots, rotor 14poles

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Good work on your own motors! Great to see someone do this and show good pics.

Ok sorry , i apologize…

And good job for your own motors…sometimes i talk too much and too much rapidely… you know…my hairs!!

If you wrap each slot of the stator, the motor will be more efficient.
Search at SPS winding for LRK motors.

This static test, I use the Zesc raiden 7.


Do you intend to sell some of your motors ?

For members searching for info about winding and tools:
Ron Van Summeren Winding and Building guide: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?240993-Re-winding-and-building-motors-tips-and-tricks-checks-and-tests
Emetor: a PMSM design tool

His Name is Ron van Sommeren :smirk: and Christian Lucas
I know both well.
Greetings Frank

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Very nice , so if I get it right on your v3 80k : 1 layer you skip one slot and with the same prop at the same rpm you save 18% on the battery vs the v1 70kv 2 layer ?
That is crazy …

I work tirelessly… Second one, pink for my wife :love_you_gesture:

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Thanks to a friend, he will to paint the boards and wings. Experiment with paint on the wing.



How are your tests going ? Does practice meet theoretical results ?