Anti-breaching system

What I mean is the sensor in a parallel airfoil section aft the mast trailing edge (ala Take Off)

It may not beep continuously but only when the height changes in specific increments, such as 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, and so on. When the height changes only slightly, it beeps infrequently.

I think youā€™re trying to solve a problem that doesnā€™t need solvingšŸ˜€

Spend good time with your friends and family on the water, trying to improve recovering from a breach instead


Itā€™s not a problem, itā€™s a hobby! :grin:

I get the glassy water depth issue once in a while. With any texture ripple no problem but I have the worst falls from breaching at height with no warning. Some sort of passive slurping sound thing would be great.

Why did you fall? When the propeller emerges from the water, it makes a very noticeable noise, allowing you to adjust the height at that moment.

I didnā€™t find information that takeoff uses some sensor, so maybe you have some reference.

I think I let go of throttle which is just a bad reaction to the breach. I have flown through fine on some and I think its just practice to keep the power on.

Iā€™ve been trying to ride higher on my mast so I can feel more of the texture of the waterā€™s surface. This has led to more motor breaches and now a lot of recoveries. I think the main thing is not to panic, keep throttle constant. When the motor loses thrust the nose of the board wants to dive down. So I counter by bending by back knee to get weight on the back foot. This stabilizes the nose dive and if done quickly you can stay on foil with no touch down.

Also, the other day I almost found your forum name on Google Maps in the middle of Lake Superior:

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I am on lake ontario but good one. I think your advice to not keep throttle constant is what has happened to me a few times. Its all fun :wink:

If you hold the throttle down, the propeller might draw in air and retain it for some time, even after being fully submerged. This can lead to a significant power loss. To address this, you can either increase the throttle to counteract the power drop or briefly release the throttle and then press it again. This allows the propeller to expel the trapped air and rapidly restore power.

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Today rode 30km no breach so its just my old eyes rock on bro

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Seems your propeller is cavitating almost the entire video, which propeller is it?

I think the proximity to the surface is sucking in air until it deepens a bit (there was a point in the video where you could it it running slightly deeper).

If I remember correctly heā€™s using a Flite prop.

Donā€™t think so, checked more thoroughly and it starts at the mast so probably needs some smoothing at the motor mount

This is a Flite propeller, but itā€™s not cavitating. Previously, it would draw air through the mast and the small gap between the nose cone and the mast. To fix this, I sealed the nose cone with a hot glue gun, and now thereā€™s no more air reaching the propeller.

So this video was before you fixed it i guess.
Itā€™s not really a good example to show propeller air suction when you are sucking air through the mast at the same time.

Absolutely, you got it.
This is an example that breaching isnā€™t so bad.

Hereā€™s the vid after I fixed it up. Dropped this one today.