This year seems to be about “jetdrive” on efoils.
Atleast 3 brands a releasing their version for this summer.
The E-tron is reviewed but without efficiency figures yet. Also it is not fully a classic jet drive as it has more of a small 6 blade propeller still leaving some airgap.
I made one using 65161 270kv and 75300 ESC back in 2020 with Onean 64mm impeller and stator. I got it up, but starting thrust was underwhelming at more than 6kw consumption.
Thinking perhaps to try again moving to 80mm size and increasing outlet size for less back-pressure.
Anybody with succesful builds that can share? Know of any good impellers in this range?
I only know of MHZ 80mm and Tilkiea 85mm, both are 180€…