Sorry that’s an old photo, it’s now highlighting over voltage In yellow.
I have completed the full set up using the wizard, following the arc200 scooter/skateboard videos on YouTube as you suggested. But after the initial wizard set up is complete it tells you to work through the other tabs like command, throttle expo, start up, voltage limits, current limits, drive temperature and speed foldback limits which appear to be separate from the autotune wizard and I’m at a bit of a loss as to what settings to use for them especially the voltage limits and current limits tabs.
Has anyone had any luck changing the mode from ‘Torque forward only’ to ‘Speed mode’ or any of the others to get the motor going with the remote or upping the RPM settings?
What do you mean by upping the RPM settings?
I have rune the ESC in both modes and both should achieve the same RPM.
As I said in PM, you need to set the ESC up with 12S. Then check what the voltage is reading in the telemetry panel.