Assist / Light build from France [maytech kit]

Yes xt90s, but quite worn out.

Last e-session for this summer holidays, the motor POD IS destroyed.

Will open a new thread for 2024 winter build.
Goal is to save weight and volume.

it’s was a nice #zen session together @Bzhwindtalker - sadly insta 360 x2 is dead ! There is always room for improvments and I now have new ideas for my winter project too ! :wink:

Hey! Great build. I’m curious why you switched over from the pod you designed to the Strongarm pod?

You mean the TPU mount?
I wanted to integrate the wire fairing to the POD and save Time when switching from e-foil to pump. The TPU one was a pain to slide on the mast, and when adding the TPU fairing sections that was way too long for me at basically each session as I have only one mast.