Been looking at the flycolor esc’s just to try something new, they are cheap but seem to require bec to drive the receiver. I started looking for options and i’m thinking wtf?
A bec is just a small dc-dc converter and they go for something like 20-30eur!!
I’d rather fix something up myself (or get another esc) than pay half the price of the esc for a dcdc…
Thanks guys, i knew it can be fixed with a non rc stepdown, just too long shipping and too many options. I did find the mateksys micro locally for 10eur with the right search criteria, that’s ok for me. Great tip
just use a TO220 5v L7805 converter. use 2s for it. Just connect to 2 cell rows of your battery. This will not give imbalance to the pack, as the current of the receiver is soooo small