Board recommendation

I am looking for a (foil) board as a good base for building an efoil:

  • around 100 L
  • length 5’ something (around 1,50m or even shorter)
  • a mount for Gong masts would be nice
  • not too expensive

Gong has a ton of boards but most of them are either much too large (long) or very pricy.

I don’t want to build my own board, but modify one, cutting out an area for a box, but leave the bottom untouched. So it shouldn’t be too thin I think … believe 10-15cm would be nice to have plenty of room.

I even thought about buying a cheap classic surf board and cut it down but I am not sure if it will be strong enough for a mast and I would like to avoid the hassle that comes with it (gluing, epoxy, fiberglass stuff, I am just not into this and dont have room for this kind of messy work).

Any hints anyone?

Cutting the top hole and getting a functional hatch is difficult AND messy.

Yeah probably, but still easier than building a complete board from scratch …

Fliteboard sells board only in a few models. I bought 2 carbon classics which are are really good. They have the glass version for $2500usd. Considering a new wingboard is around $2k it was a no brainer to go FB.


I have been thinking about board options for a second build later this year looking at ready made efoil boards. I have a carbon 100L carbon Fliteboard similar to @windego and it is really nice, but now Flite has recently increased board prices and used board prices are probably affected. Other options for a ready made efoil board to build with could be:

Manta Foils
Inflatable Volt3 boards, however I do not think they are meant to be fully water tight, so that would need to be considered. I think an empty Manta battery case can be bought separately here: Efoils & Zubehör

There’s EasyFoil:
Also an inflatable. They also sell plenty of other parts separately.

Sifly sells boards:
(not sure these are an option for me in USA)

Then there’s the new FliteAir boards, again inflatable. I don’t know that Fliteboard sells them as board-only yet, but I’ve seen them for sale as board-only through 3rd party distributors. The battery space on these is smaller and might require some planning (305mmx305mmx80mm)

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