So I’ve broken two props this week. One regular PLA and the other carbon fiber PLA. I have a Flying Rodeo prop but it’s 12mm and my motor shaft is 10mm. Should I:
I see no point using printed props if you have the FR prop. Just shim it with a sleeve, search for ”bore reducer” or ”reducer sleeve” and you’ll find what you need.
I kind of disagree. If you have a given setup like 12s and 100kv inrunner the FR prop will be boring soon. I fixed this by printed ones. Firstly you should always sand your prop prints. I use 140, 400, 600 and 1200 paper. The first run with 140 is truly the most exhausting one. I tried these props quite and they were fine but tent to brake, especially at start. Now I have coated one with gfk and epoxy which is still in a good shape. Please balance your props!
38 km/h with printed two blade. When my second board is finished I can do some comparison but now I don’t want to switch mast all the time. So both setup, 120kv with FR and 100kv with printed are same speed. I can dig into all my logs and check if we can get an idea of consumptions
Yes. I was only doing the default 3 layer perimeter. I’ve printed a new prop with 10 layers so it’s all perimeters on the blades now. I also noticed on the top of the duct that the prop was knocking into some plastic that got melted to the top from when I had issues removing the white prop (the first prop I used). So I’m hopeful this third prop will work since it’s better printed and has been sanded.
I did order this from amazon which might work to make the FR prop work. We shall see Friday!