Build on a Weekend

@vincent I really like this elegant passive cooling solution and would like to use the concept for a DIY board build. I guess since I am not restricted by a Fliteboard mounting shape and cutout, I can make a simplified adapter plate with the ESC mounted on it and probably get the cabling straight through down the mast, right?

That is correct. But make sure that the holes don’t go all the way through so that no water gets in.

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So if I design an adapter plate with 8mm thickness and mill out 6.5mm for the thread of the mast plate, it should be fine, right?

My idea is to make a simple flat adapter plate of 8mm with threads for the mast plate and holes to screw it to the board. On the top side the plate will get two more threads, to add another small plate, so that the ESC is mounted a bit higher up and get a 3d printed case for water protection