Can I ride a efoil in Canada

Hi, last year it was obviously “illegal” to use a efoil mounted with a propeller in Canada.

Anyone has updates of this situation please?

In the Efoil riding regulations/law thread or the “LIFT Info for the DiYer” one, a couple of persons were trying to change that, writing to Transport Canada, …

In doubt, you can call any eFoil rental/shop or business in Canada.

Hope the lobbying is going well. I know part of the problem relates to vessel classifications pertaining to propellers, etc. Hope we’re all careful in the meantime so that we don’t ruin it for ourselves and others. I’ve already heard stories of some importers/retailers stirring the pot and frustrating others companies that have a vested interest in keeping classifications as they are. Let’s not let it get to that point. The DIY community is small and is tremendously helpful in developments for the future. Hopefully we can keep greed out of it until we solve this aspect. If anyone working on this needs some help in doing any legwork, please reach out. Take care everyone.

We’ve started a private Facebook group for Canadian eFoilers (present and future) to discuss eFoiling in Canada, including current Transport Canada regulations. We need all Canadians to speak up if we are going to get Transport Canada to allow their operation :canada:: Redirecting...

Just to evaluate today’s current situation. Can a rider receiving his/her Waydoo toy today test it immediately or is he/she outllawed with a prop and a prop guard ?

If the police are following the letter of the law there can be a fine. However many/most Canadian eFoilers have reported friendly interactions with local law enforcement.

It’s evolving and will especially become more of an issue as the number of eFoilers increase, especially beginners who may pose more of a risk to themselves and potentially others.