I sell a complete unit with the bullet proof Jell Motor, from peter Jell (see content in builders forum) the motor is super strong and comes with alloy prop and printed duct and front covers… It´s on a slingshot mast with CNC milled Mastplate. The motor is with sensor cable but I used it only without sensor. With Trampa VESC in BLDC mode it has massive power… Used to fly with about 30Amps at 25 km/h.
The motor has about 5hours total, and the motor looks like new. The mast was used before with a 65152 maytech motor, but this died after 5hours riding due water getting in…The Jell motor is germany highest build quality from Peter Jell and you can`t get it anymore… see photos
would sell all at Christmas Special of about 950€
And here you find instruction of mounting motor as well…
Jell Motor Mount instruction