Custom Flier 400A Firmware collection

Louis, what have you done to get your motor running ?
Have you change your ESC ?

no still run the low kv inrunner firmware, never changed it and keeps on running,

I am using “bt low kw” firmware flipsky 120kv flier 400a 22s,13s battery, and modified remote throttle only for forward. I remember when I contacted Flier support they told me that this firmware is designed only for flipsky motor… After upgrading running without problems…

My flier 400A boat never running with that and any other firmware

What remote and which flipsky 120kv or 100kv do you use?

I used the cheap 40$ Remote and a 120kV Flipsky with 12s

With 120kv should work. Did you tried with another remote? I am using this one. Just modified spring inside for only forward so I have realy nice long control for throttle

Yes, I try it with a expensive Maytech remote from a friend before I sell my flier.

Any updates on the topic Maytech/Flipsky with a Flier ESC?
Will it work?

I have Maytech with Flier 300A 16S doesnt work fine. I can´t find a good firmware.

Can I try firmware from ESC 400A to operate with ESC 300A? different capacity?

Yes, I used a 400A 3-22s on my 400A 3-16s, although not for a flipsky motor. It’s just the firmware, it won’t change your hardware compatibility (you are not allowed to plug a 22s battery etc.) again, it’s only a firmware.

Fak flier echt …schon beim Auspacken hatt die esc nach verbrannte Platine gerochen…ich habe mir gedacht ok das ist die schwarze Masse zur Abdichtung an der 400a boat esc von flier die so riecht. … 56104 360kv Motor drann 2x6s paralel je 60c und nix motor dreht nur an kurtz und stoppt alles versucht mit der Fernbedienung blabla Kundendienst r mamba auch blabla …2 wochen kopf kaputt gemacht mit dem ergebniss das die esc warscheinlich niemals funktioniert hatt … :exploding_head: flier ist mist schaut euch doch mal bevor ihr kauft der ihre stupid Website an und die downloadsektion so etwas billiges ne …