Posting here just to say Thanks to all of those who have pioneered this site before I arrived. There is so much great information here that I have used on my build and im extremely happy with the results!
Its a pretty straight forward build. I didnt really reinvent anything. Just picked parts from builds on this site that made sense to me. The only trouble i had was messing with vesc software and firmware. I probably should have left the firmware the way it was shipped. It would have saved me a few evenings of messing around on the computer.
My Build:
Existing Cabrina 118L wing board.
Existing Axis SES 1040 foil from winging.
Flipsky Group 7 kit with 120kv motor watercooled 75200 vesc, vx3, bluetooth.
Modified Flipsky prop cut down to 140mm
3d printed motor mounts and prop trim (can you believe my library printed them for me in ABS for $15!)
Passive water cooling
Nanuk 910 waterproof case
(2) Hobby King Turnigy 20ah 6s batteries in series for 12c
And a bunch of amazon bits and pieces to put everything together.
My first ride i was up and foiling in a few seconds. After about 9 miles and 40 min on the batteries it triggered my safety alarm at 3.7v/cell. I only looked at the remote a few times but typically saw 15mph and 140watts.
What a blast! Cant wait to get out again!
(Maybe ill build a board next)
Nice build!
Is this light blue “box” that I marked just a spacer of some type of water intrusion protection?
Just a foam block with a notch around the cable entry to keep the batteries from sliding and damaging them. A “filler”.
I thought about using a small baby diaper just in case there were a few drips through the cable glands. But it has been completely dry.
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Nice build! careful with those lipos!
After my 9th ride today (usually about 40min on a charge) i fell, and when i swam back to the board and started up, the motor was running in reverse! Luckily i was close to the beach and swam in. Until now it has been perfect for me. I dont have my laptop with me at the beach today. No water in the box at all. so the only thing i could do was trouble shoot the motor wiring. Disconnected one at a time but motor still ran reverse each time. So i swapped two wires and it runs forward now. Any idea how this could reverse mid ride?
The VX3 has the ability to reverse direction by using a fairly complex series of button pushing. Perhaps that happened but that would be a big coincidence imo😀
What are the connectors you are using on your motor wires? It looks like two cable glands with some sort of pipe in between?
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They are a warerproof junction from amazon and are working well. I threw away the little 3 pole connectors in the middle and used standard bullet connectors in each.