Direction of rotation of the screw clockwise or counterclockwise for Foildrive / Easydrive


I just had a test run with my diy kit for an efoil assist.

If I look from behind, the screw turns clockwise. But during the test run, the propellers folded backwards.

Then I changed the direction of the rotation. Now it works. The thrust goes foreward.
(I changed the cables from the ESC, the propellers can´t be changed in another direction.)

BUT: Is it ok, just to change the direction.

Now it rotates clockwise while looking from foreward on the propellers. And it rotates counterclockwise while looking from behind.

I would be very grateful for any tips or hints.

Best regards


Hi Frank, the motor doesn’t care what direction it spins and is perfectly happy doing whatever it is told by the esc. All that matters is that it’s the right direction for the prop and you already got that sorted. Can be a bit annoying if you have multiple props pitched in opposite directions.
Swapping two wires is one way to handle it. If you have a VESC based esc you can use VESC tool to have the esc switch direction without a wire change.

Hello S_Roger,

many thanks for the answer.

That relaxes me a lot.

Best regards
