DIY Winch from Austria

Hey Builders,

Here is my first topic and I am presenting my Winch for Foiling, Wakeskate and Skiing.
UNU Hubmotor 3kW with removed rim bed
Controller VESC from a guy from Germany
Side parts and spacers made of aluminum
Flanks for the Spoil room made of 4mm stainless steel
Rope Dyneema 2mm - about 200m length
Actually Maytech V3
The advantage of a Hubmotor is that I actually already have the Spoil room and don’t need any other mechanics to operate it. With the controller I can bring the motor to 11kW peak at short notice.
The engine delivers more than enough torque, which is needed for starting, and is available used cheaply.
In addition, there is enough power to build a small “skiing lift” for the children

I will gradually report on the construction here.




Maybe of interest for you:

Located in lower Austria…
I have a second winch too.
The idea is to use two winches, each pulling in one direction, to get endless pulling on the water.
Would be easy to setup. One winch pulls, the other one brakes. Then switching direction…
Where are you located?

Very nice build. which esc is it exactly?

Nice idea! I am located at lake constance in Bregenz. Where are you?

This is the HarryDrive from a local guy from Germany. He is a electronics student. The VESC can handle 450A peak and 200A regular with 18S.

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Interesting, that VESC looks exactly like the one EasyFoil sell (also in Germany). Is it a generic open design that multiple people can build?

@MRUEM your winch looks very nice. Clever to see the hub motor put to use like this!

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It is exactly this one.