Does anyone have the STL files for the Flipsky 65161 and Gong V1 mast clamp system? The google drive folder is blocked and I’ve asked for an access some days ago but nothing. I can store the files on a public folder on my dropbox in case. I would need the 2 parts of the clamp system + the small piece that goes at the end of the motor, just before the propeller.
Thank you!
This should work:
Thank you! By chance do you also have the hub part that goes at the end of the motor, just before the propeller?
The GONG Mast is to flexible, barely rideble. I put some layers of carbon on top. Now its stiff enought to ride.
Hey can you provide any info and experience on your setup?
I like the way you made your efoil in a practical way
You using the 65111 motor? If so, how you like it
I filled it up with old windsurf sail carbon rods and a bit of epoxy