E-Foil Meeting Heidelberg Germany "Season-End 2023"

Hi Folks, here in Europe the summer is slowly coming to an end. Therefore we organize a last meeting for 2023 in Heidelberg on Sunday October the 8th.

Location: Neckarwiese. start at 14:00h

Drop me message if you would like to attend.



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Hi John,
I would like to come. Are there options for parking not so far from the water? What about the maximum permitted speed (18kmh on the Neckar), is it allowed to drive faster that day?
Greetings Eduard

Hi Eduard,

You can normally park pretty close to the Neckarwiese.

Although in theory we are a little too fast, we have never had problems as we do not generate any waves.

Further instructions we will give once you are there.

Good to see you again!


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Do you have some video or impressions of the meet in Heidelberg?

Hi Yes sure. Here some pictures and a video too.
