Engine mount stl

Hello friends

I want to print an mount to my engine (6530 180kv)
Does anyone have a stl I can use?
The engine dimensions are attached in the picture Of course I also need a propeller

motor info


You’d probably like to say what mast you’re going to mount it on…

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I still haven’t decided on which mast, is it critical?
I’d love to get something initial just to check

How can I say…

Just a thought…

The motor mount is between the motor and the mast, making a connection between them. You yourself, give a drawing of the motor. Great. He is on one side.

And on the other side, what is there?

Joking aside, there are many different motor mount solutions on the forum.

I don’t remember exactly your motor, but do a search. Some sizes may match or require minor modification.

And one more thing… are you sure this motor can be used in water?

Good luck.

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Thanks for your help
It’s the engine
I would love references to STL files because I didn’t find unfortunately…

In my opinion and experience as an RC pilot, this is a great engine for an aerobatic RC airplane.

My advice, if you allow it, don’t ruin it.

Buy a cheap 6384 or 63100 motor from Aliexpress and start from there.

The forum is full of wonderful and detailed descriptions of how to do it.

Good luck.