Finding permanent waterproofing solution for 30$ "waterproof" remote

i coated with FSC, the all board both side (under the foam as well) and the lipo bms and terminals
i silicone the lipo terminals and its solders as well on the board

For my understanding, did you coat the failsafe adjustment screw as well? If so I guess you made all the necessary adjustments before the coating?

yes coated everything, adjustment are made on my vesc software, i didn’t try to turn the screw to see what it was doing but i guess for those who doesn’t use vesc it is a good idea to check if everything runs nice before
the coating is thick i think it will stay outside and the screw can be turn after if necessary

Okay, thanks for the feedback. i do not run VESC so would double check it all ahead of time

Hello Yargaroo, is the launch still maintained around Christmas 2019 ?

This is the receivers signal : Cloud
This remote is brand new, it never saw any water, unused.
I suppose that all my radio remote controls of this type have this error, altogether 4 different ones have shown this problem sooner or later, with different throttle positions. To find the fault you have to drive very slowly through the throttle range and watch the signal on the oscilloscope. The range where it happens is very small with this specific new remote.
But I also had the pleasure of this error on the water, which often led to completely unmotivated falls. Probably in one case it led to permanent full throttle. Also switching off the transmitter in this case did not lead to a throttle release of the VESC, although it was correctly programmed with 0.5 seconds timeout. In this case only switching off by the battery master switch helped. The malfunction is well reproducible once found. The used oscilloscope is a DS203, if anyone is interested. So i think there is a systematic bug in the HW or SW on the reveivers side.

Here are the datasheet for the chips used in W4R V2.1 receiver:


Don’t understand all of this , but yes when running signal through vesctool I saw that it was not very » clean »
So that means we should not use this remote ?

You should set both the failsafe on the remote/receiver itself and the ESC. It sounds like receiver failsafe never activated which would then continue to send a signal to the VESC. If this happens, regardless of how the vesc is set, it won’t throttle down.
I have used that remote on an electric skateboard and they can be pretty volatile signal wise. Definitely not great!

I have used this remote last summer and also saw som fluctuations in the throttle signal. Last week I was testing and 2 of 3 remotes (1 unused) didn’t work anymore. Found out that the signal was stil changing when I turned the pod on the remote pcb. So the receiver was working correct and I was thinking about a faulty hall sensor. I resoldered the hall sensor to see if that would make any difference and after that it was working again.

I think that the fluctuations in the signal can come from a bad connection of the hall sensor or the sensor is not acurate enough. I also saw some rust from the throttle spring on my hall sensor, this could also lead to magnetic distortion I think.

Stupid question. It is possible to do that on such cheap Receivers?

Yeah, they all have that functionality

Okay so i hope that my batteries arrives soon and I can start to configure all that!

Interesting, is there a special forum for remote controls, where i can find more information about this?

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The failsafe on this remote / receiver is like this: when the remote is on and in the receivers distance the signal of the receiver will be somewhere between 1000 - 2000 ms depending on throttle position. If the receiver is out of range or the remote is off, the signal will go to around 900 ms. Now your esc failsafe can kick in.

ok, this is already described in the small manual, you can set the fail safe value in the binding procedure.
I just bind the elder receiver i have to the new unused transmitter and now look at this:
The signal range where the error happens has shifted.
I think this proves, the problem is not inside the transmitter and the hall sensor, but there is a systematic error in both of my receivers. And this throttle range fits the throttle range where i had reproducable problems on river Main last summer. Update: (Maybe a bug in the decryption?)
Just found, that both receivers produce at both values the same behaviour. One in the lower range, one in the upper. Its hard to find, but can anyone reproduce this, maybe using the Vesc Tool, a servo or complete setup?

I will look into it as well. I have the same osciliscope :blush:. I remember when I was foiling last summer that I felt little bumps from the motor like you hit the throttle and than go back to same position. So I ques I have the same problem and than it would be in every remote / transmitter​:neutral_face:

Mine does it to. I try to make video later

Very cool, any forthcomings?

So, from what I understand, the $ 30 USD is not an option anymoe since the failsafe is not safe at all ?
Maytech remote is way too expensive, especially the V2 version.
We could work on the Flipsky VX2 that uses a hall effect sensor and can be waterproofed. Only draw back is the charging port. But it can be replaced by a cheap QI coil I think. I’ll try this out soon and let you know (remote is 75USD online, with great quality)

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I’m using the cheap remote for about a year now. For that price it is still a nice option. But of course you need to waterproof it for your one.