Hey I got a problem or you could also say i have a possibility. My boss at the place i work got two Lift E-foils and one of them got water damage in the E-box. He said I could try to reapair it if I wanted to. And here we are i have a big E-foil in my room and i would be really glad if I could get some help with this project. Not because I don’t know my way around electrics but I can’t say that i’m an expert. I have been cleaning the E-box and checking all the components for quite some time now and I’ve got stuck. On two connectors the pins have goten so eroded that they have just really diapered or not really they have probably just fallen off. After cleaning the bord with isopropyl alcohol and putting it in an ultra sonic cleaner I resolderd the connection between the connector and the bord. But it still doesent work.
In detail what I have done:
I Have cleaned it with isopropal alcohol with an anti static electricity brush. I have also cleaned it in an ultrasonic cleaner with a mix of distilled water and 99,9 % alcohol. I have soldered a wire directly to the board because of one pin being gone that connected a connector to the board (the wire was from the battery to start the board, currently using a 9 volt battery beacuse of the old one not working)
The other conector pin that had come loose was for the start botten and was supposed to go a transistor that started the system. On this pin the soldering pad was so sewerly eroded so i couldnt solder on to it. So i soldered a coopper wire directly to the transistor that i glued stuck on top of another connector so there woulldn’t be any force on the joint. I the soldered the cable on to the copper wire.
I’m not sure what I am supposed to do now and I would love if someone could share there intelligence or experiance with E-foils.