Foil assist Japan

I’ve gone from being completely stuck in the mud to being able to continue on collecting parts to build. Good idea about the e-bike batteries but most of the big players around here are 18650 batteries, was kind of surprised to see the Facebook ad for a 21700.
I had a look at Amorge, and the reviews seem very promising in the e-bike arena, I could not find a review for a water application though but I sent an email over to them to see what they can do. Might be able to save some time and get myself on the water and then tinker on my own battery pack at a later date.
Also, I will look into esk8 to see if there are any builders over here who might have a source for parts.
Thanks very much, everyone. I much appreciate the time everyone takes to help each other out.

If you don’t know the technical data of the cells, the words that the battery is powerful are complete nonsense.

Don’t buy Panasonic. The only working budget alternative to Molisel cells, I know, is Lishen 4000 a/h. But they do not have a very stable chemical composition.During long-term storage, voltage fluctuations will occur.
And also, 8 dollars for 42e is very expensive, I buy it for less than a dollar, but, unfortunately, I can’t tell you the place. lishen costs me 10 cents.I welded a battery with these cells for my interpretation of FD2, several sessions, everything works well.

Molicel are from Taiwan, maybe you can get them from there. Or have a look at alibaba. Check if the source has a good reputation, you don‘t want to get fake cells.
I have several packs with Molicel P42a, they are good quality and do not drift a lot, even after 3 years of use. Be aware that if you draw 30A per cell permanently they get hot. P45B are even better but more expensive. There are also new cells like P50B but they are hard to get and also expensive.
EVE INR21700-40P 4000mAh - 50A might also be an affordable canditate for your build.

Did you have a look at the Chinese Efoil/Esk8 players we regularly see on this forum ?
MicHobby 8s3P 340usd or 10s3p 430usd based on Molicel cells. They don’t precise which cell reference though
Maytech ?
Flipsky ?

Don’t forget, if something made by Maytech fails, they will most likely find a reason to deny your warranty.

You’re wrong again. I tested my battery on the foil and saw for myself that it is very powerful. The board floats so fast that it becomes scary, although I used less than half of the maximum power.

I operate with numbers, and not with concepts like “scary”, “cold” or “lonely”. And to say that I am wrong is not a sign of great intelligence.


You can operate with anything and praise yourself as much as you want. I just made a powerful efoil quickly and cheaply and am already using it with all my might.


My opinion for what it’s worth.

As this is a DIY focused forum it’s important to qualify your “advice” on any topic by providing enough detail so the reader can understand why you believe that your “advice” is valid and then decide whether they should heed it or not.

At times you have challenged individuals here that have a proven vast working knowledge of the topic you are commenting on. You have gone so far as to state they don’t understand, or there wrong.

It’s great that you have built something you are happy with at a budget you are proud of but if you can’t put numbers or facts forward you shouldn’t be offering “advice” on how to do something. Your build is using non-typical components so what works for you might not be generally available, desirable or safe for others

Several of us have asked you for details behind your statements and your response has been usually to either state you don’t have that information or you ignore that request and go to another thread and start “advising” there.

I believe most of us here want to help and learn from each other and provide assistance to those just getting started.

I would respectfully ask that you alter how you are participating.


I don’t mean to be rude, but your manic desire to have the last word deserves the truth. The fact is that your “powerful e-foil” is a 140-liter mattress that, by your own admission, you don’t really know how to ride. Foil drive is very often installed on boards with a volume of 30-40 liters and energy consumption during takeoff can easily reach 150 A. The use of the elements that you suggest can lead to failure of the device or even fire. The burned out battery in the photo I posted here is the work of a Vietnamese craftsman who thought he knew a lot about scooters. So I will join the request already made - give advice only in the area of ​​your competencies, and in the field of water transport, believe me, you don’t have much of it yet.


I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve lied. Let me explain again, I did not give you any advice on choosing batteries, because you did not tell me your parameters, by which I could calculate the required current and power.

You constantly point to current, but you forget that the most important parameter of a battery is power, which depends not only on current, but also on voltage. This suggests that you are poorly versed in electronics, and are also trying to teach me. I have already hinted to you that my build in the form of an air mattress of 150 liters operates on a small current, having a huge power reserve, but you did not understand my hint that the current is not the most important thing.

Of course, your giant mattress will consume little, but in this thread a person is asking for help with a device that will consume a lot. Do you have any advice for him other than stupid ones? So what are you still doing in this thread?


I’m not rushing to @rttn defense as he is more than capable of that himself, however your posts here are just proving my point about challenging the knowledge of other users here.

This is RTTN experience

This is your experience

I have a question for you.

Which of these options do you think I’m going
to switch to??

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Thank you. I see he has a lot more experience posting than me :slight_smile:
Unfortunately, this is not a measure of his IQ.


Really dude! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m done reading your posts. Pressing Ignored now.

Here’s hoping your “advice” doesn’t get someone killed.

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Maybe I should have included some more information. I just thought my introduction was incredibly long and I really did not want to waste too much of everyone’s time.
I made my first purchase of parts a year ago and this is my first ever post. I do come to this website from time to time to try to keep myself in the loop of information. (so much information to digest).
My friend gave me a go on his Foil Drive Plus a month ago and I was on a 116 Hypernut sup (crossover board), his Gofoil (unsure of dimensions but it would have been around or under 1500cm2), motor set down low close to the fuselage. Conditions were small waves. I almost got up and I felt the issue was that the board was just too big.
I have a Takuma 54L 5’10" which I think would be perfect for the job. It is long enough and has foot strap inserts so I can mount the box nearer the nose of the board.
One of the first builds I saw was ( which was by Tobi who is 90kg and using an 8S3P. This build will be weight and space-restrictive so really it’s only foil assist. For me, I think that the e-bike is good for harvesting cells. I think if you have a project on a larger board where you don’t have a space issue then it would be good.
There are some absolutely outstanding projects being made here. I was so very surprised to see a gen 2 recreation and it looks superb. I would love to hear more about it, including how you designed the gasket and locking system to keep that salt water out. I guess I will just have to make sure I spend more time on this website to keep learning.
Thanks again.

If the question about Gen 2 is addressed to me, then everything is quite simple. The electronics compartment is completely filled with silicone compound, the battery compartment is not waterproofed at all, the battery has an ABS/PC case and is also filled with silicone inside. The battery connector has a wide silicone gasket. Everything works, enough power to take off on a 30 liter board. But I’m still not very happy with the high lift and suboptimal angle of attack, so I’m now printing a new body that will be shorter, lighter and moved back. Current costs for the project are about $700.


It was and thank you for the info. Besides an impact, it sounds like the only weak point is the connector between the battery and the main unit. If at all possible do you have a picture of the connector(s). It is out of pure interest, I don’t think I have the ability to do something like his without a much better understanding. But I’m interested

I find the connectors I use on the battery to be much more reliable than the consumer xt90 that Foil Drive uses.
If everything works as expected, I will publish all the project files.