Foil motorcycle

I do agree with you. However the control system might not be useful if for example you use a plane with two wings having positive lift. This setup is very stable at low speed (less than 20-25 knots) demonstrated by Gong with heir Hellvator hydrofoil in 2014 and becomes unstable beyond that speed.
IMHO, the promising aspect about this concept is the easy learning curve and the safety aspect: falls from a low height should ensure soft touch downs especially with a belly shaped nose like the Enata boards in 2017. Yes they look like a … gland… :wink:
1710 board-dimensions

My efoil motorcycle.


Haha, how long is that mast!?!?!?!

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me too :wink:


@Foxyirish1987 it’s a Gong 80cm

Looks like a full meter out of the water! Nice

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Looks not bad… with some minor changes and stronger motor, this should work quite fine;-)

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Thanks for your good ideas.

I haven’t found a good partner for the development of my project yet :frowning: