Folding propeller options

Anyone tried to create folding prop for Takuma and other board?

Want to try on the new Takuma Carver…but so far can see only Lift folding props around


The only folding prop available is Lifts. Some users have made them but unfortunately it’s the members who don’t share. Either for copyright issues, or because they hope to profit from their designs.

I’d like to make one, but I need to learn more about prop blade making first.


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So @Jezza, how is your DiY folding prop doing ?


My design was complete last year already, but haven’t had time to build a test unit with all this covid stuff. Having to share office space with the wife means less time on the milling machine.

I’m planning on producing a bunch of hubs for the folding prop and then will share a bunch of blade designs that guys can print etc. Or they can design their own blades.


IMHO, @Manufoil blade molding process is well suited to make folding prop blades. First time I saw it was on a @Virus video:


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BTW - how do you like the Carver?

Carver is good, but not as good as Lift or Fliteboard. I like it in waves…speed wise can’t get beyond 29km/h

Will a Lift folding prop fit on a Takuma motor shaft?

Following up on some of the prop discussions here: After going through some of the designs here I thought I should add a version of the Sliman_o 3 bladed prop in a folding version. So far I just ordered PLA samples. Blade material for the real prop is planned to be 316L Stainless. The blades are held by 3 M6 bolts with 2 plastic collar bushings inserted in each blade. I am still thinking if I should add some fine thread adjustment bolts to adjust the stop position in the unfolded state. Let’s see if the blades really fold. I will keep you posted on the progress.



Looks great! Have you considered aluminum? Cheaper to machine and not as heavy.

actually I was looking into the direction of metal filament BASF 316L. The blades could be printed fairly thin. Right now the weight of one blade is 50g. My aluminum prop weighs 200g. Disadvantage will be the shrinkage during sintering process. Not sure how bad this will really be. I think I will just try it out. Laser melting printing will for sure be more expensive than machining.

Is this still the case? Seems pretty easy to do.

the motor shaft is hopefully cold rolled SUS316, so you would want a similar metal prop. or, don’t use metal for the hub.

A new folding prop on the European market: 349€ (Jan 2022)

Any updates on the three blade folding prop?

I made one version with steel hub and another version with a PP hub. Both work well. People who have borrowed the prop for some time liked it. Folding mechanism works well. Pitch is on the high side. Somewhere between 7 or 8 I think.


Gorgeous. It looks like the folding prop the “Get Foil” brand is going to be making. I’d love to try this! Any idea where I could purchase something like this?

Well, so far you can’t buy from me unfortunately. I have no production planned. But I will meet up with the Laser printer owners to see whats possible. Do you have any link to the Get Foil version? Did not find it.

It is not released yet, but the owner of Get Foil posted a picture on the Facebook group showing this style a few months ago. It was the first time I’d seen a 3 blade folding prop.

How did you get on with this 3 blade design?