For sale: Scorpion HK 7455-330kV 24kW // Vesc: Trampa 75V/300A

This setup was intended for a jetboard project but due to lack of time and more focus on family it´s better for me to sell this beast.
The motor is purchased directly from MHZ and used in test bench only this far with fresh water cooling for not even an hour in total.
The vesc is purchased directly from Trampa in the UK.

Motor: Scorpion HK7455-330KV (24kW of peak power!)
Link to the sellers page with current pricing as bundle with motor mounts that I have as well included with the motor if sold.

Vesc: Trampa 75/300
300A continous at 75V, peak current: 450A.
Link to the seller:

Asking price (shipping from sweden excluded):
Motor+mounts: 700euro (retail today at 1000euros)
Vesc: 250euro (retail today at 385euros)

If you´re interested and/or have any questions don´t hesitate to reach out.
Regards - Andreas

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For some reason I cannot edit my own post so I´ll update here instead.

The Vesc was today sold.
The motor is still here.