Fr 2019 motor system

Ok something really cool.

Some drone footage of my large sup / FR motor / 7" FR prop / 6s 44Ah pack / Axis 82 wing foil / small 1- feet GLASS surf session.

one of the most magical days i have ever had on the water… just EPIC to fly on clear water like this and see everything your flying over.

Was able to foil in and around other surfers without taking any of their usable waves or getting on the surf line which is important to keep the peace.



Nice on :hugs::surfing_man:‍♂ this look amazing

I wonder if anyone has a metr log of the FR motor system :thinking:

hopefully in the next week i will get some time to take my FR board for a test as it has the 380amp swordfish esc in it and that has on board data logging. Im just waiting for my new V2 maytech remotes to turn up so i can ride the board again. I just purchased the USB interface for the ESC so i can get the data off it.

stand by and i will get some reliable power data for you all.

Where is that spot. Looks nice!

Its called U turns in South Australia on the Mid coast.

Its my local wave, never really surfed it much as its too small for surfboards IMO.

But it produces really fun easy going foil waves.

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Water-cooling inlet in the pod nose (@ 2:15) replacing the electric pump: have you tried to estimate what is the minimum speed triggering water cooling: water from pod nose to board deck through the ESC and expelled behind your electric box ?

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Great video! I know you said that the 12S setup with the FR board was too fast, but I’m curious as to actual speeds. Do you have any GPS data with that setup? Thanks!

At my slow cruze speed of 17km water just trickles out. But still plenty of water to cool the esc. At about 25km it has a much higher flow rate. When I’m on a wave at higher speeds it comes outnlikenit has a pump. For my setup it’s been plenty of cooling.

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12s is way to much power for surfing waves and that’s my main goal with efoils.

Why : On 12s with my larger than normal wings for surfing at the higher speeds i felt like the wings was being forced to fly too fast and I was having to stand on the nose a lot to stop it lifting out of he water due to exessive lift.

From memory i have hit 39km before and that was not full power.

I would say based on how easy it get to on 6s with a smaller faster wing ypu could do 45+ km easily

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Makes sense. I wish I lived somewhere that surfing real waves was a possibility! I’m limited to the lake, so some decent speed would eventually be fun. I have a large surf wing, and a smaller faster one as well. Sounds like the FR motor at 12S would be plenty to push the smaller wing.

thanks for sharing all this great info. What size is your SUP? 9’?
I’m on the fence of getting a board and to me a small SUP seems like a great idea. I agree with what you said about having to lay on this tiny board while waiting for a set. Its much nicer to just stand on the SUP.
Is the FR board waterproof? Seems like everyone waterproofs everything inside.

For those who bought or tried the FR motor system, does it live up to the hype? What’s the top speed like with a regular wing? Is it worth the price? Did anybody have a leaking motor? Looking for some opinions because I’m thinking of getting one! Cheers

@Vicdes2, the only thing you will regret if you buy Fr propulsion unit, that you havent bought it sooner :slight_smile:
I use my efoil mainly in the sea, for now no rust anywhere on propulsion unit or gong foil. Max speed depends of your courage and wing size :slight_smile:

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Haha I see! Thanks for your input! Do you think it is possible to achieve a speed of over 50km/h like mentioned in their specs? Of course it depends on the wing, weight of the rider etc. But I’m curious to know if you think it could be possible (if the motor has serious power).

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I fly max 55 kmh… But that its SUPER danger i dont recomended that speed…

But yes this motor system push you with easy ower 50 kmh

Your most welcome. It was very improve but should give some info.

It’s the 8 foot version and has plenty fpr me at 93 kg. The 9 would be unessisary big.

My advice Would-be start with the board like this Is it super simple to set up and these professional boxers are 100% waterproof provided provided you use good quality cable glands.

When you’re finished with the board and you want to go with Somthing smaller you can simply undo do a bunch of screws everything comes off and you can transplant it across to another board.

My FR board is an older proto type and it NOT water proof. It leaks a fair bit and I have to have All those internal boxes to keep electronics dry. But If I Stay on the foil and don’t fall of too much when i open the board after a session or might have 2 cups of water sloshing around which isn’t a big problem but its not water tight like my other set up. It’s an awsome board though

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Both systems have been prefect for me. Developing a product that can be sold as a bolt on that works like this is a big advantage. It’s an identical motor to the lift boards hence why it’s commercial quality out of the box. If you have the money and your time poor I cant see why anyone would bother trying to do anything else… Not to take awaything away from all the extremely talented people on this forum who build their own propulsion systems… respect

I totally agree. There are some really talented/smart people on this forum. I dove in over a year ago and did a direct drive in oil(6384), direct drive water proofed(6384)…and the motor was not powerful enough. I designed my own board and had it glassed by a local guy…then designed a geared set up…now a maytech waterproof inrunner. All great designs but something is always going wrong. I can figure things out and improve but it starts to really become a time drain. As much as I like the building/designing I agree just buying a propulsion unit that is guaranteed to work, waterproof remote and keeping it really simple is the way to go. This way you get out on the water more than you’re working on it.
Anyway thanks again. Your post is really going to help a lot of people get an efoil going. David deserves the business too. He’s quick to respond, helps you, gives great advice and have a very solid product. I started a business so I definitely understand the work he’s put into this.
Ok, I’m going to look for a small SUP. I like the short boards for cruising but for riding waves I think this is a much better idea. It will feel odd though not having a paddle. You don’t seem to have a problem though

Hey MikeL.

Its an interesting one isn’t it. I have build SOOOO many weird and high tech things in my life and sometimes the satisfaction of designing and building it is very rewarding.

I would have burnt out and corroded to death at least $10,000 worth or motors , ecs, batteries and other electronics over the past 10 years tinkering with things that run the gauntlet of the ocean, and the one thing i have learnt is salt water is ruthless and will find a way to kill anything it can if you give it just a slither of an opportunity or even so innocently as forget to wash down your gear after use.

when i started looking into e-foiling @ age 33 with 2 kids and 10+ other hobbies i like to do, in this case i was eliminate 1 area i know will cause grief and waste my time… rotating things in salt water that require lots of power and still need to stay 100 dry inside…AKA the motor.

FR was the shortcut i needed BUT i still got some satisfaction playing around with the batteries, esc and tinkering with wings vs different boards ect and in every test / foil session i have had the FR motor has worked.