Hawaii limiting/restricting eFoiling

Loud Electric Hydrofoils? Have these people tried Grass Fed Vegan Beef Burgers?

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This reminds me of all the people trying to ban kiting a number of years ago because they thought it would scare all the birds away.

I think in any community there is a percentage of the population that just doesn’t like to see people have fun with new technology.

It is driven by one or more of the following insecurities:

  1. Lack of funds
  2. Too safety conscious with no adventurous spirit outside of their own interests
  3. Lack of youth/health/athleticism
  4. They just don’t like seeing change

It all comes down to controlling other people in a way that is very unfair but always thinly veiled in “protecting” something else with no factual basis. There should be no person in power with the ability to propose law or rules who caters to these people.

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I hope they are going to limit all the Jetski’s, boats, yachts to 3 as well :rofl: After all any of those would do a lot more damage to whales and humans is you were properly hit by one…
The levels of retardedness by governments when it comes to new electric forms of transport is honestly bewildering. I’m half convinced these muppets just look for reasons to keep having dumb meetings and regulations to pretend to be busy…


I just realized THE MOST embarrassing thing about this… the picture in the background of her flyer is of a prone surfer on an unpowered foil in a mushy wave! It is obvious they have no clue what they are even legislating against or what they are talking about. Someone please go to the meeting and point out how inept this is.

It would be like having a meeting about regulating scuba diving for the noise and danger to the environment due to the bubbles released underwater, then having a picture of someone snorkeling. Totally different sports, genius. You know not your own ignorance about all of it and you are trying to write rules about it?!

unbelievable… Could it be that they wanted to ban e-surfers with loud impeller engine and just have no clue what is the difference between e-surfer and e-foils?