Hello from Australia - Takuma to Fliteboard switch

New member. I just recently gave up on my Takuma because the Cruiser 2 delaminated and when I switched to the carver 2, I could not get onto plane in chop or without full battery. Took delivery of my Flite Air Pro with 1500 jet wing set and love it.

Now I find this site am wondering if I can get my Takuma working (for my kids) with a better prop. Hyperdrive is one way for sure but I received an extra prop with my Fliteboard. I have a lathe and a 3d printer. Could I easily install the Flite prop on my Takuma and will it work?

Takuma started having connectivity issues and I am hoping it is the antenna. I ordered a new one 15 days ago…(let us leave that story for another day). Monopole antenna with the tip brokenb off si I am hoping the salt water was shorting (fingers crossed).

Any advice on prop and connectivity is much appreciated.

Let me respond to myself before someone else does. The flite prop spins in the opposite direction so short of switching phases in the controller or mouting the prop beackwards, the answer is “no”.
I can’t believe the difference in the size and surface area of the two props. No wonder the Takuma has no torque. Did I read somewhere that the flite has a reduction gearbox? If so, amazingly quiet.

If possible just switch two motor wires at the connector and motor will spin opposite direction, for the area of the prop, being larger it will require a lot more torque and it might very well be that the system cannot provide it, since the reason for having a small prop is that you have a weak motor or electronic system. It’s always worth trying though😃

Can you post a photo comparing the two props?

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Wow! I had heard that Takuma prop was knife like but didn’t realize how much that is true.

Cut my finger to the bone lifting it out of the water on day 1. It is ridiculous. Looks like it belongs in a food blender. It reminds me of a very old plane we had in the airforce. More throttle translated to more noise and a small increase in thrust.

Well my hyperdrive arrived. It is ridiculous how much more punch this prop gives the Carver. It launches like a Flite pro. I am having a tough time with the speed controller. With the regular prop it required about 75% to stay on foil. With this prop it will get on foil at 25% BUT sometimes it needs 50% then when slowing it down on foil, the knob is very sensitive and it’s hard to find the right setting.

Also, the board feels less stable. Could it be that the prop wash is messing with the rear fine?

Not complaining. This board has so much grunt now.

Some feedback. Went back to old prop which was a waste of time. Tried again today with the Hyperdrive.

First, to Frank, thank you for all the support.

I foiled for almost an hour with my carver and the hyperdrive today. Even when the battery was below 2 bars I could easily get on foil. For sure, it took more throttle than with a new battery but never full throttle.

Here is my technique. Introduce the throttle to half throttle, get on plain on knees, leaning way over the front of the board. Cut to 30% throttle, stand and go.

Still nothing like my Fliteboard. Because the battery is so far forward, the moment of inertia is higher so control is slower.

The Fliteboard is an air pro and has a lot less drag when touching down than the carver. I was watching my daughter trying to use the carver. It has the wake of a small speedboat before it gets on foil.

Thanks again Frank