After many weeks, my ESC finally arrived from China, and the setup works fine with both the Bremote and potentiometer. However, I need to fine-tune some settings, and I don’t have experience with BLHeli software or connections.
To connect the Flycolor ESC to Windows, I’m using the BLHeli app. Then connect laptop via USB to the BLHeli USB linker, with S connected to S on the Flycolor and GND connected to minus on the Flycolor. Please refer to my wiring diagram below.
If I use flipsky 75100, I have no problem configuring the vesc with Vesc tool, but its my first time using flycolor and I am not familiar with connection or setup.
After I posted my question earlier, I figured out the connection, it was under Select BLHeli interface. Now I gotta figure out how to configure this thing
Hi man nice to meet you could i ask you if the flycolor x-cross join the flipsky vx3 controller with 6384 motor without to be programmed??
“Plug and play”
Programmtions are just to fine settings?
Hi @Casch83 no worries, I am new and everything I know, I learned it in this forum. Great question but the answer is no, you will need to program your Flycolor. Here is setting I believe I used with my Flipsky VX3, feel free to tweak but should generally work.
Good luck Settings I used with Flipsky VX3:
Hi man i’m back could ask you how can i connect the esc on a computer??? Finally has bought a sqesc 12200 200a but there aren’t any usb to connect him to pc….
Make sure to post your results and how its running etc once you configure it, it would help others as well. thanks ang good luck.
p.s. I am not expert, just learning by breaking things