How to install michobby foil assist?

I have already shown the results of that question a few times, posted the replys from michobby, and provided them feedback but they did not care; although, it was not the result I was looking for, the answer I received was that michobby does not provide enough information nor support, to get questions answered and find accessories, so that the customer can have enough resources to install their kit with confidence. Michobby should be providing the instructions but they don’t so i thought could help too but it does not appear that anyone knows where to find a complete tutorial. The question of how to install the michobby kit was predicated on the question, can i install a foil assist for around $1k, so my name is 1kfauxdrive, and the fundamental topic remains, can I find a 1kfauxdrive and get it installed, well the answer to that is pending. I would change the title to, “can i find a 1kfauxdrive and get it installed?” but it does not seem like allows that.

If your level of competence is not enough to install the kit from michobby on your own, why listen to you at all, because you are an absolute layman.

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I have already stated that i am a layman. Yes you should not listen to me at all and you should mute this thread because posting about my competence, after I have made it evident, is both off topic and inappropriate.

It is cool that many people here are electrical engineers but many people including me don’t understand their tutorial videos because it is not put in layman terms. I am looking for a tutorial that is easy to follow. Who better to verify if a installation tutorial is simple enough than a layman? Any other layman would likely have had the same initial questions and concerns about the michobby kit. Their website suggests they will help, I have demonstrated that they won’t. Foilzone has helped a little so far by one of two good messages but mostly troils. These are the challenges a layman will face, unanswered questions from michobby and inappropriate off topic ridicule from foilzone electrical engineers. This thread also demonstrates how effective or ineffective that the moderators are here.

Read the first 10 responses people actually spent their precious time crafting. Then check out your own. It’s like you’re wearing earplugs and a blindfold at the same time


I have read them back, I took everything into consideration and displayed a high level of attentiveness as seen in my thorough responses. I have to be blind to the discouragment because i think my goal is possible. Your comment is off topic and inappropriate and continues to be a time waster. The best thing that could happen is that the troils go away, and this thread is given the space it needs, to wait for the suppliers to repackage. I have given up hope that people are willing to only post useful info, i just let you guys waste your time now as an example to those to come.

Again the topic is a 1kfauxdrive, not me. It is easy to criticize, it does not make you seem smarter, it is harder to develop.

The truth is that at the moment you are a completely useless creature for this community, whose existence is reduced to the generation of a kilobyte of meaningless text. And since you do not at all react to any arguments, I will resort to a method that is equally effective in relation to idiots and trolls - to the “ignore” button. Do not bother yourself with an answer - I will not see it anymore.


Phew, the last of those off topic and inappropriate comments from trll and the sending of meaningless text to call out meaningless texts.

Additional note: they just said they would be willing to sell it for $1,500. They also said the will have a cheaper version with a smaller battery available in 1 week, finger crossed it is only $1k total!

Gosh we are so close to the $1k mark. I am considering buying it at $1,500 still because it has an outstanding form factor, it is complete, it has steel 3 blade foldable propellers, and it is within the proximity of the $1k price. Woo! Still crossing my fingers that we can get the price down by $500 because the motor is 3000W and we only need 1000W, the battery lasts 20minutes at that wattage and so the battery could be smaller for the smaller motor and the esc can be downsized. Foils are very efficient, can’t wait until the minimum effective wattage foil assist kit is finally put together.

Wow another gen2 style faux drive has hit the market, this one is also $2k but it looks like it has a great form factor, there are now 2 gen2 style $2k kits available! I am going to message this manufacturer as well and see if they can make it any cheaper by answering a few questions about motor and battery size and considering downsizing to the minimum effective wattage needed.

My recommendation to them:
“my recommendation for foil assist products, foils are super efficient and we need 3 foil assist kits:
□1.)the cheapest version, we only need a max of 600W to stay on foil. so this is the cheapest product that requires a dockstart or to catch a wave. **advanced riders
□2.) a 1000W kit, this will be enough to assist with flat water starts. this will be the highest volume seller. **intermediate riders.
□3.)the 3000W version, this is overpowered. **beginner version”

this video shows me foiling with no motor. i can stay on foil for 1 minute, i can also produce about 400W for 1 minute on a cardio machine, but if the motor supplied only 250W than i would only have to produce 150W and i can sustain that output for hours. so the 3000W is about 10 times more powerful than the minimum effective wattage needed for assistance. foil assist products should be made all the way from 250W to 3000W, the cheaper products will get people into your ecosystem and they will likely upgrade over time.
when i speak to the community and they hear $1k foil assist, they want to buy right away, but when it goes above $1k they lose interest because they don’t want to spend too much.


So you are recommending what manufacturers put out with 0% experience of ever having used an assist system :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You can’t even put together a kit from michobby, but deem yourself good enough the spec kits for manufacturers to produce. This thread is wildly irresponsible.

Link in some videos of you foiling please. We all need to see your skill level so we can understand how you are going to deep water start with 1kw of power.


Other people have experience that i have learned from, those people flat water started with 1kw. Another off topic and inappropriate comment, that is the only thing irresponsible going on here.

@1kfauxdrive is either a bot or a troll … I think you guys are talking to some badly tuned chat GPT. it’s hard to read all that junk, there is no substance in any of it’s posts just rumbling and affiliate links :slight_smile:


A bot would write better than me. Your post is off topic and inappropriate. If your logic is correct, 9/10 of the comments on here would be a bot and they are definitely trolling. Foil trolls =troils, a new term that became evident as i sought help here. The links are not primarily affiliated, they are just a record of the products that are close to my goal of a $1k foil assist. Internet trolls are off topic, that was your last comment and many others, please mute this thread go somewhere else to be off topic.

Anyone trolling this thread should just provide valuable info instead, your experience is not unappreciated, but useless complaining and vague disagreements are not helpful. We have a few addicts here that claim to want to go away but never do and never really share helpful things, like they don’t want new people to do it better than they did, to earn their respect you have to waste more money and time than they did, be a engineer, or agree with everything they say. I keep this thread for my benefit but once i have what i am looking for, i won’t be spending 6 years trying to discourage others from doing it better than me, or pretending that i am some forum royalty. This thread is becoming more of an example of how bad this forum is moderated than a record of collective ideas.

I submitted this full thread for deletion about 5 days ago, hoping the moderators wipe all this crap off the map soon because it shows more poor community spirit than it does anything else.

Thats because you don’t seem to understand that you can’t silence other people when things don’t go your way. Guys have given you valuable information in this thread but you refuse to listen to them. That’s no ones fault but your own! The mods will most likely leave this thread in place so that others can see whats going on. It provides valuable insight on how you deal with others.

Now here’s a helpful hint into your journey. Look at Foil Drive and their journey through the foil assist (used for all disciplines including dock starts). Look at their first product and why they stopped making it. Maybe then you will realise some things.

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I just want to silence off topic and inappropriate messages, not the ones that are disagreeable and convincing.
I have not refused to listen, I have refused to believe the nay sayers because they have not been convincing or respectable.

Your tip to look into foil drive was very interesting. It could have been coupled with facts about what your point is to make it more convincing, such as, foil drive assist was 800 watts and $2.5k they made new versions to beat the competition, foil drive assist plus 1200 watts and was $3k, then there is the gen2 slim and max and prices and wattage just go up.

Here is another interesting note I saw on google, " On original FD Assist (+, max, slim) , Foildrive use 6374 130 KV 3200 W 5.6N.m to have 25kg of trust at 3000 rpm on the propeller. The system is limited to 1500W by the VESC (half motor power) so I wonder if we could use a smaller motor because I conclude it’s an overkilled size for this use"

Just because I do not believe what the nay sayers have said does not mean I did not listen. I might be wrong but all signs still point toward a the possibility of a $1k foil assist being possible by both power and price. Trust me, if I tested a $1k kit and it sucked, I would take it all back, but at least on paper this seems very doable still. Many companies want to increase prices and therefore margin, I believe they should lower prices and margin and increase volume. There are still manufacturers who are working on the parameters that I have suggested and regardless of developments, which have been zero so far, I am still convinced this $1kfoilassist is coming soon, give or take months/years.

If you feel like it is necessary to dissuade me from my goal and you have videos or evidence of wattage needed that disapproves my beliefs, I am open to watching&listening.

My research into the wattage limitations of the first foil drive have only shown me more evidence that lower wattages, smaller motors, batteries, and escs is possible.

At a minimum, to have a motor push a dockstarted foiler who is pumping and fully self propelled, to push the foiler a few miles an hour faster for 10 minutes, seems like the kit could be so darn cheap, like less than $500, those kits already exist but they need a form factor renovation such as folding props and universal mast motor adapter. I am eager for a few mph boost, a few more minutes, a few thousand more feet, a few dozen more waves, a few months less of learning curve, and a great price. Foils are so efficient it could probably use RC size components but I would need to make sure they don’t blow. It bothers me that they appear overpriced and overpowered and out of reach. The future of foil development is bright. Even the hydrofoil boats are ridiculously overprices, they always start out expensive, for the rich, and than drop in price. The rc test flight guy on youtube is making a 3d printed 2 seater foil boat. One day i want to make a self stabilized hydrofoil picnic table, foils can make anything fly but a good sea plane hull design is important for takeoff&landing. I might be very old by the time I see my foiling picnic table but I tend to feel like the distant future is closer than it appears. Anyways, we will see what the admin& mods say to my request for deletion of my account and all my posts which have not brought out the best in any of us here and I apologize for feeding into poor community spirit.

No, a smaller motor can’t develop the torque needed to get a motor to the right RPM. There’s a good reason they used a larger but de-powered motor. Everything is already here on the forum, you just need to search for it.

Building it for that is easy, but buying off the shelf won’t happen. There needs to be enough profit margin in it for a company to provide support.

All companies in every field want increased profit margin and decreased supplier costs. If you didn’t you’d be mad.
For a product like a foil assist you do not want decreased margin in the slightest. There’s too much to go wrong and too many silly users to deal with. It would destroy a company in 6 months.

Your research should show you that Foil Drive started at 1.5kw, then discontinued the product because guys wanted more power. Eventually they’ll discontinue the assist+ once their stock dries up because the majority want the option of power when they need it. You can always half pull a trigger on the remote, but you can never get extra power from an underpowered system.

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“Right rpm” assumes a lot about how it is being used, a fatty beginner vs. a talented dockstart pumper can be a world of difference in wattage.

Profit margin is already baked in when the manufacturer sells it, I am talking about buying it from the manufacturer, not a third party brand name that sells it for multiples more.

Michobby didn’t even provide enough support to get it installed, I doubt they will care about what happens after they sell it.

Yea most want to increase net profit margin per sale, agreed, but getting less margin and higher volume equals more net income, also higher volume equals less supplier cost. But how you run your biz is up to you.

I could see wanting the extra power going from say 1kw to 2kw especially if was only a few hundred dollar difference, but when the foil assist i am talking about is sub $1k and the overpowered one is $4.5k, peoples eyes roll and many are left to wonder, wtf, why, I thought foils were efficient? Well because it is a new tech and new tech always starts out overpriced, only for the rich or those who fake being rich by paying payments, then competition accelerates and prices drop and the early adopters paved the way. I am thankful for foil drive and the buyers, they started something great, I just think that the form factor will eventually evolve into something that has a significantly better price for value ratio.

We have fundamental disagreements about everything from business to probably everything else. I have a goal, to find and encourage a sub $1k foil drive, seriously if i end up spending a grand this year, i will probably regret not waiting a few more years cuz there will probably be a sub $500 kit eventually and decades down the road, walmart will probably sell it.

The real dilemma is the use case, 240lb flat water starting a 35L board on a 1100sqcm foil vs. 190lb paddling into a 3 foot wave or dockstarting on a 1700sqcm foil = dramatically different price and power needed.

I want assistance anywhere from 100W minimum net output, to 1000W because $1k or less is what it’s worth to me. However, i still think they should make the very powerful ones that can go 3000W+ because some people are willing to pay that much.

Anyways, if I end up buying some 600W kit and it sucks, I will be like, well, I was wrong, foils aren’t as efficient as I thought. I am willing to gamble $1k that I am right though, and if it works, it would be a lot of fun to dockstart, pump out of the harbor and into swell and downwind or link as far as possible. It suprising that noone else has found and tested the smallest wattage necessary yet to add 3mph to someone pumping. I can pump at 13mph, my buddy can at 18mph, and we can go about 1200 feet, it would be fun to go 16mph and 12,000 feet. Anyways, i should just by an rc boat and ducttape it to my mast and see if it works, lol.

No hard feelings Jezza, thx for your insights maybe one day after i waste a grand than i will appreciate them.

Happy foiling! Sounds like you have a nice rig, go link 10 waves for me!:call_me_hand:

Or do a test, limit your motor to 700W, dockstart and pump and see if you can stay flying for 10 mins. Then lower the wattage by 350W and see if you can still reach 10 minutes of pumping.