How to install michobby foil assist?

Right. Show us your test numbers and efoil prices then!

A 1200$ efoil is something i want to see, (and the person unfortunate/stupid enough to buy it)

the relative complexity of efoils and assists (and all your 1200$ efoils out there) guarantee that foil assists can cost 100$. While you’re at it, show these suppliers too.

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Everything is posted above, suppliers are working on something but it will take months

It is self evident that the wattages needed are within the human limits of about 1000w peak and 400W sustained otherwise human could not get it up, asking for tests and data is a ridiculous request when video proof is plentiful. Yes board and foil need to be good for what you are doing, not unlike all of foiling anyways. Another way to easily experience wattage outputs is to get on an elliptical try to maintain 450w, you will probably burn out within 40 seconds, when foiling if you burn out at 40 seconds as well than the wattage needed is about 450W. I weight 195lbs so i have needed about 400-450w in the past.

You are actually clueless. I’m not even going to try be nice. A human pumping is bouncing up and down. A propeller is using thrust in a completely different direction and motion.
Get a motor, limit it to 1000W and try do a deep water start. Because when you run out of gas pumping and fall off in the middle of the lake, river or sea you ain’t gonna magically get up.

You also have zero clue on pricing of efoils or how and why they are priced (which you repeatedly demonstrate). Second hand on Facebook doesn’t count. Only brand new prices count.

Yeah maybe bouncing up and down like a billygoat, but not deep water starting!


Dude must be a troll. It’s been a laugh. Looking forward to his product launch in a couple of months time.


I already said it has been tested and it worked, i have not tested it personally yet. We can get up without a motor or paddle in flat water so hypothetically we don’t need much assistance, finding the minimum effective dose is the point, but we can agree to disagree about everything.
I don’t care to do shopping for anyone, new efoil prices have dropped from what i have seen, if you cant find good prices, whatever, my point was that the prices in this field go down over time, not to volunteer myself as a personal shopper.

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There seem to be a few new additions that claim to have a lot of knowledge with no experience. They see one of the top foilers bounce up on a downwind board and then think they will be able to do the same with a motor and battery strapped to it.
They clearly forget that once you’ve done it twice your legs are absolutely finished and then you can only rely on the motor. Oh wait its a 1000W motor that doesnt even have enough torque to spin a 2" pitch prop :rofl:


There are a number of scenarios in which you can fabricate that would make you right in suggesting that 1000W is not enough assistance and the prices will therefore not be lowered. However, there is a number of scenarios in which the parameters I mentioned would provide enough assistance and I previously mentioned them already; such as, in theory, for a pump assist, minimum effective dose foil assist, if your legs are cooked, get out of the water. I did not come to to respond with repeating myself to people who are not providing helpful info and actively being discouraging. Everyone is right, this thread sucks, i am not an electrical engineer, I am a consumer, I have been waiting for a $1k foil assist kit, i thought i found one in the michobby kit, i came here to find answers and post the results, no complete instructions were provided, i started looking for another kit but could not find it, i have always been curious about minimum effective wattage needed for assistance, i reached out to suppliers to repackage existing products to make new assist kits. I know i am pushing the lower limits of power requirements and if i tested them personally it would probably take some time to learn it, i am just curious about this stuff, at this time i am just trying to be a catalyst to see if i can expedite the product that i imagine is possible, so i can test it and have fun. I am ok that if i test it, if it fails, i like testing the limits of stuff to heuristically tune. Anyways, i am glad you guys have found what you are looking for but I will post the stuff that I think might work, or that is close. I suspect that at least one suppliers will put together something interesting and sub $1k.

Again you are sucking your thumb here with zero experience with a motor. You simply have never ridden one and have never recorded the data so actually don’t know.
At most you can say you think its possible. However if you were convinced, you would have bought everything and made a kit.

But weirdly enough you don’t want to listen to those with multiple engineering degrees and years of experience and recorded data. Instead you keep trying to tell them you are right and they are wrong…
Hence why you are not satisfied with the answers.

No that won’t ever happen simply based on the cost of individual components. If you built your own from scratch, then you’d understand why. Until then you are simply pissing into the wind.

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I already mentioned it has been tested, not worth repeating myself. I already mentioned cost breakdown, not worth repeating myself.

No you never, you mentioned you were prepared to test it. Not once have you said you personally have tested it or have numbers to back up your claim. Otherwise where are the actual numbers and data?
In addition all your numbers are theoretical and unproven, even in your own words:

You can’t even conceptualize that once you add a motor there is added drag, so you can’t merely add power from a motor to power from a human.

Your cost breakdowns don’t take into account marketing costs, warranty of broken parts, assembly time etc.

You just keep proving that you are ignorant and not wanting to listen to better advice from others that know.


I mentioned it has been tested, and yes it was in the water, its just that that i have not tested it.

It was tested in the water

My cost breakdown did factor those operating expenses in.

I am willing to listen to other, i am not willing to listen to insults and discouragement. If you have nothing nice to say, just don’t say anything at all.

@Jezza is right in all his comments here, it’s more like you are not willing to listen - at all.

I hope you’ll be able to either get over your ego or prove us wrong, but please stop the nonsense postings until you have.


Cool, glad you agree with him, go post somewhere else about it. Please stop being a return discouraging poster here.

I hope I can have fun, not interested in proving you wrong. I will post what i think is relevant on my thread. Anyone who does not see anything helpful to add to this thread, please mute it and move on, don’t be a repeat commenter who adds nothing useful by neither answering or asking questions.

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Too many commenters here are discouraging. 9 out of 10 have been off topic or inappropriate. I want to delete so many comments here but i guess i will leave this thread up to help others to see the challenges to install michobby, to deal with the people on this forum, and for suppliers to see the demand for a complete minimally powered kit.

Throughout history people have hated inventions until they are concrete, I don’t.

If you think this thread is a waste of time, don’t waste anymore of anyones time by commenting, just hit mute.

Comment only if you are willing to use your imagination to think of out of the box ideas that could support the mission statement.

Mission statement: To find, encourage, or create a complete $1k foil assist kit

At this time, a few suppliers are running it through R&D to see if they can put something together but it will take a few more months, so fingers crossed.

In your opinion, but what you don’t seem to want to acknowledge is others experience and testing and what works and what doesn’t.
Your numbers are like taking a Cesna airplane and claiming it can fly to the moon.

No one is gonna let you silence their free speech. You probably shouldn’t have come to a DIY forum thinking you could do this. We are all free to comment where we want to if its relevant to the topic, which the majority of comments are.

This is possibly the daftest comment on this forum.
There is a common approach where some fear new technology and struggle to adapt to new technology (drones are a great example). It doesn’t mean they hate it. They simply need explanations around the technology and its advantages.

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I have used others testing that’s why i stated what i stated, you have shown nothing compelling to be believable.

Free speech is not the issue here, although that sounds very “virtue signaling”, it is guidelines, but whatever, feel free if this is how you want to keep spending your time. I want to spend my time on my goal of a $1k foil drive.

Hate was a descriptive words that could have been replaced, look for meaning, don’t criticize nonsense. To say the vast majority of people will accept new technology if they simply here explanations and advantages sounds like you are a good salesmen.

None of the messages from you are sending are helpful toward the topic. Why only say things that serve to be discouraging? Because you are so confident in your knowledge? What if you are wrong about the wattages needed, you have provided not testing as well, why error on the side of being discouraging. Just because i am immune to discouraging remarks does not mean i have a ego problem. I reply to clarify my stance for anyone who may be reading but i feel this thread has become a cave of troils. I may delete it all soon because the off topics and inappropriates are starting to outnumber the on topics.

So, how to install michobby foil assist?

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