How to remove cable guides?

I am trying to remove FoilDrive cable guides from a Sunova Casey board. I have followed instructions (from another site), but the result is pulling off some of the thin (0.16mm) outer ‘skin’ on the board. 2 questions:

  1. Is there a good way to remove the guides without breaking the ‘skin’?
    2, Having broken the skin, is there a good compound that can be used to fair up the resulting patch of missing skin?

A glass scraper ? little by little, I removed footstraps pads firmly stucked on a kite twin-tip board this way. The board top skin was thicker than 0.16mm though.

If the “skin” you’re referring to is this then perhaps just use some UV stable resin to repair.

Might be a good idea to ask the board maker about this.

Sounds like very average construction for an expensive board. Find out how It was made and what materials from the company and then just replace what comes off.

You can use some fishing braid to remove. use it like a saw slide it backwards and forwards underneath, the friction generates heat and cuts thru the glue of the double sided tape. can remove without damage. lift a little ensure braid is cutting along the ‘wire guide’ side of the vmb tape. you be left with the tape on the board which you can roll off when guide is off.